Delaware Liberal

Senator Obama Really Brings Out The GOP’s Racists Nutbags

UPDATE: Obama and Biden finished 1 and 2 according to CNN’s real time polling.
SO…I’m watching the CNN debate wrap up (BTW – CNN is pushing Senator Clinton hard) and decide to check out some Senator Obama videos on youtube. I found them fairly interesting.

What I found very interesting, however, were the comments left by the Republicans who are a little more candid about being wingnut racists than any Republicans I’ve read in a long time.

Obama sucks!!!
He wants to grant amnesty to murderers,rapists, pedophilles!!!!!
He is a shamful example of an american citizen!!

Rapists & Pedophiles…? Hmm…

goodcupoftea (4 hours ago)
youtubers, REMEMBER!ALL MUSLIMS ARE COMMANDED BY ISLAM TO DECEIVE NON-MUSLIMS! Muhammed approved lies to infidels with view for Islam to win over. Barack is a muslim and lies to all of you… If you vot 4 Barack – it will be the end for our civilization and beginning of islamic terror. Just look at all ex-christian countries like Egypt, N Africa, Syria – christians till 98% exterminated, treated as animals, killed and raped.

Senator Obama is a Christian by the way.

rick020943 (21 hours ago)
Obama: The Curse of Noah is upon him.
What did Ham did to his father that his Father(Noah) cursed Him(Ham,N people)?


lucky777s (1 day ago)
Negroes have never been victorious over White people in war. Blacks have always been the vanquished. Because of that, it would be wrong for a Negro to rule over Whites. If you lose, you get ruled over, not the other way around. My vote will be for a White person.


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