Senator Obama Really Brings Out The GOP’s Racists Nutbags

Filed in National by on July 23, 2007

UPDATE: Obama and Biden finished 1 and 2 according to CNN’s real time polling.
SO…I’m watching the CNN debate wrap up (BTW – CNN is pushing Senator Clinton hard) and decide to check out some Senator Obama videos on youtube. I found them fairly interesting.

What I found very interesting, however, were the comments left by the Republicans who are a little more candid about being wingnut racists than any Republicans I’ve read in a long time.

Obama sucks!!!
He wants to grant amnesty to murderers,rapists, pedophilles!!!!!
He is a shamful example of an american citizen!!

Rapists & Pedophiles…? Hmm…

goodcupoftea (4 hours ago)
youtubers, REMEMBER!ALL MUSLIMS ARE COMMANDED BY ISLAM TO DECEIVE NON-MUSLIMS! Muhammed approved lies to infidels with view for Islam to win over. Barack is a muslim and lies to all of you… If you vot 4 Barack – it will be the end for our civilization and beginning of islamic terror. Just look at all ex-christian countries like Egypt, N Africa, Syria – christians till 98% exterminated, treated as animals, killed and raped.

Senator Obama is a Christian by the way.

rick020943 (21 hours ago)
Obama: The Curse of Noah is upon him.
What did Ham did to his father that his Father(Noah) cursed Him(Ham,N people)?


lucky777s (1 day ago)
Negroes have never been victorious over White people in war. Blacks have always been the vanquished. Because of that, it would be wrong for a Negro to rule over Whites. If you lose, you get ruled over, not the other way around. My vote will be for a White person.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. Chris says:

    “Negroes have never been victorious over White people in war. Blacks have always been the vanquished. Because of that, it would be wrong for a Negro to rule over Whites. If you lose, you get ruled over, not the other way around. My vote will be for a White person.”

    So what makes you so sure this is a Republican. I am convinced Obama will not receive the Democratic nomination because of racism in the Democratic party. As I have mentioned before, all the racists I have ever met, except one, were loyal Dems. These might be Dems that fear Obama being the Dem candidate and leaving them marginalized.

    It isn’t right for anyone to vote on race regardless of which party they might be.

    And if I don’t vote for Obama it has nothing to do with his race. Had Condi ran I would have gladly voted for the first woman and black president. Colin Powell would have got my vote too if he ran.

  2. jason330 says:

    You know Chris, you may have point. It is possible that Lucky777s is not a Republican. I might have jumped to that conclusion based the recent uptick in wingnuttery and crazitude breaking out on the GOP side of the internets.

  3. J says:

    1. Clinton crushed Obama.

    Obama (Amatuer)- Obama said he would be willing to meet individually with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea during the first year of his presidency.

    Clinton – immediately disagreed and said she would send envoys first to find out their intentions. “I don’t want to be used for propaganda purposes,” she said.

    2. Dems win hands down in the nutjob entries department.

    – Gravel…everything he said and his demeanor
    – Richardson… Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico said he’s the only candidate pledging to remove troops within six months. Ok????????????? What a stupid statement. He obviously has no clue whatsoever as to what it takes to move forces and equipment. Even Biden said Richardson’s goal was unrealistic.
    – Kucinich…somebody please text him so he shuts up

    Those that know me, know that I do not like Biden, but he by far was the best tonight.

    If I were a D, I’d hide everybody and hope people are still pissed off and you win by default.

    However, since I know that won’t happen, I am excited and VERY confident, that an R will be in the White House come Nov ’08..any NBA refs out there willing to take my bet?

  4. It matters not if such ignorance flows from the mouths of Democrats or Republicans. What is most deplorable is that it is being said by Americans in the year 2007. We have obviously not advanced a long way from the Civil War battle fields or the “I have a dream” days of Martin Luther King. America, that bills itself as the most progressive county in the world, is actually less tolerant of differences based on race, gender, or sexual orientation than most all European countries.
    It astounds me to still see bumper stickers on cars proclaiming, “America, Love It Or Leave It.” How aboout, “America, Love It Or Change It?” Another car sticker displayed an American flag next to the words, “Is There Any Other?” Most narrow minded American’s who would attack Senator Obama because of his race generally also have an inflated opinion of their own self-worth. Treating individuals or countries as being innately inferior contiues to damage our image throughout the free world. Small minds truely think in small ways.

  5. R Smitty says:

    Jason – you’re just having a real down day about GOPers, eh? Party affiliation really is not apparent in those stupid comments pasted in your post. Bigger point is, I would never associate with those writers, regardless of any affiliation.

    It still shocks me how that crap can exist today, but then I remember, the mass of the people are still quite me-centric and those attitudes of “holier-than-thou” will never change until me-cetricism crumbles into nothing.

  6. Dorian Gray says:

    Oh Jason, how presumptuous of you! Those racists dolts who use bible references like the curse of Ham to buttress their bigotry could be liberal progressive Democrats. Is this a joke? One comment calls Egypt an “ex-Christian” country. These are radical Christianist statements that are 100% REPUBLICAN.

    I will concede that this is a very small faction. The Dobson, focus on family, Rovian so-called base. But let’s please be intellectually honest. These dickheads didn’t vote for Kerry or Gore. I’ve had just about enough with the dodging.

    Religion poisons everything


  7. Jason330 says:

    I like that he also considers Syria an ex-christian country.

  8. oedipa maas says:

    “These might be Dems that fear Obama being the Dem candidate and leaving them marginalized.”

    This is more of the usual repub projection. Democrats will vote for black candidates, while repubs will not, with rare exceptions.

    J.C. Watts was elected on OK largely on his football cred, but repubs certainly did not come out to vote for Ken Blackwell, Michael Steele or Lynn Swann. Over the last 3 or 4 cycles repubs have run about a dozen black candiates for House seats and they’ve been unsuccessful. Not even competitive. Heck, Obama ran against repub comedian Alan Keyes and repub votes didn’t even come out to vote for Keyes in a state where repubs should have been competitive. And, of course, J.C. Watts quit because he was disrespected by repub leadership.

    And then there’s this (scroll down to see the picture, altho the analysis here is spot on too).

    These associations continue to be endemic to Republicans. And when repub leadership denounces this kind of crap pretty unequivocally, this will continue to be the face that republicans (fairly or not)present to the world. And there will be those who will defend it, and those who will denounce it. I leave it to you to figure out which group could be persuaded to vote for a reasonable black candidate.

  9. Dave says:

    And those must have been Republicans throwing Oreos at Michael Steele and painting Lieberman and Clinton in blackface.

    Please. The GOP was created to end slavery, and has been the impetus behind the passage of every CRA since then.

  10. jason330 says:

    And those must have been Republicans throwing Oreos at Michael Steele

    Good lord how may times does this need to be debunked?

  11. oedipa maas says:

    There were no Oreos being thrown at Michael Steele. Notwithstanding the thorough debunking that this thing has gotten by the Baltimore Sun (even Steele admits it ain’t true), my father was one of the “supervisors” of this thing. He used to be a school principal — one of the old school, take no crap kind and he would have shut this event down pronto if such behavior happened on his watch.

    The GOP was created because the Whig Party was falling apart and given the expansion of the country to the West, they also needed someone to be sure that the expansion was supported. When Lincoln was elected, his concern was for the survival of the Union and the first tactic as you recall was to limit slavery to those states that already had it. He eventually emancipated the slaves during the Civil War as an act to destabilize the South, which was certainly the right thing to do no matter the motivation.

    The major civil rights initiatives of the 20th century came from Truman and Johnson. Initiatives that were passed or supported in a largely bipartisan manner,with the Southern Democrats screaming for the status quo.

    Of course, it was Barry Goldwater and his invocation of “state’s rights” in the midst of the Johnson Civil Rights initiatives that began the modern version of dog-whistle politics regarding race for Republicans. The old-style Dixiecrats (the segregationist, social conservative part of the Democratic Party) jumped ship to the republicans — you know, those bastions of racial tolerance like Strom Thurmond, Phil Graham and Jesse Helms. Oh yes, and Haley Barbour attends Conservative Citizens Council meetings whenever he gets the chance — a group that continues to keep alive its segregationist hopes.

    Rewriting history so that your side looks utterly noble probably makes it easier for you to sleep at night, but that does not change the fact that you are rewriting history.

  12. Jason330 says:

    Does everyone see how much work it is to be a Democrat?

    You have to have to use whole sentences and build cogent cases that follow certian rules of logic and reason.

    Republicans, on the other hand, have it easy. They can just repeat any old nonsense that conforms to thier world view like “liberals threw Oreos at Michael Steele.” Or, “We need to stay in Iraq or AQ wins!”

    I’m telling you it is exhausting being on this side.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    Ah, the true conservative base SPEAKS!

    You bought ’em, so you own ’em!