Blog Awards: Friday February 8th, 2008 – Dover Downs Hotel & Casino

Filed in National by on July 24, 2007

Put down your laptop, but bring your snark to the first annual Delaware political bloggers awards banquet.

Friday February 8th, 2008 – Dover Downs Hotel & Casino

What the evening will include:

– Opening remarks by some suitably big Delaware media or political personalities,

– Delaware political blog & post of the year awards presentation,

– 2 entree buffet dinner,

– 2 drink tickets & Cash bar after you slam down those two,

* All of this for only $50.00 per person!!!

Celebrate the year of the blog!!!

Respond TODAY if you are interested. We need at least 25 people to say “count me in” in order to pull the trigger and lay out the deposit money. C’mon, it will be fun.

Send an email to me ( or Dave Burris.

Anons, lurkers and friends of blogging are Welcome!!!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (21)

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  1. Oh Jesus…I can handle a $4000 cell phone bill, but this, I don’t know!!!

    Sounds interesting…can I bring Christine O’Donnell?

  2. jason330 says:

    Put up a fundraising appeal. “Send Mike to the Awards”

    You don’t want me accepting your award for you do you?

  3. anon says:

    You’d have a better chance of bringing Christine than Celia.

  4. jason330 says:

    You think Celia will cover it? Hmmm…

  5. Ryan S. says:

    I would be an interesting way to celebrate my birthday…but $50 seems like a lot…

  6. Jason330 says:

    Put up a fundraising appeal. “Send Ryan to the Awards”

    You don’t want me accepting your award for you do you?

  7. Ryan S. says:

    I’ll come up with something. The irony of you accepting an award for me is highly appealing, though. 😉

  8. Dave says:

    With DL in charge, it will be typically liberal — everyone gets an award so we don’t offend or cause anyone to have a lack of self-esteem.

  9. Jason330 says:

    Dave –

    It is called “marketing”

  10. Disbelief says:

    Have to do categories for awards. Hmmmm, FSP for most objective, unpartisan factual presentations?

  11. tommywonk says:

    Yes Dave, because we sit up nights worrying about your self esteem.

  12. I must really be missing something. A common occurrence, to be sure.

    Since this date has already passed, could someone tell me who won? I would also like to know whose self-esteem was razed.

    LOL, looks like someone is having a problem knowing what year it is. I have this whenever I try to remember how old I am.

  13. jason330 says:

    Sorry about the typo in the header.

  14. donviti says:

    We should give a “conviction” award to the blogger that still holds onto the belief that there were WMD’s, that Osama was in Iraq or still supports the war and thinks it is being managed well.

  15. donviti says:

    Do I get gambling money?

    Maybe we can get a granny bus together where you will give me a roll of quarters to use on the slots, then I’m in!

  16. Disbelief says:

    Or, Don, keep the roll of quarters in your pants in order to impress Christine, should she bless us with her presence (I say this at the risk of being offensive while trying to help, but its well known that inordinately good-looking guys have small ones).

  17. donviti says:

    as the hottest blogger in delaware I don’t need the quarters 😛

  18. Al says:


  19. Disbelief says:

    Is “Hottest Blogger” going to be an award category? If so, a certain incumbent Representative is going to vote for Celia (if you can’t respond to her posts, is it still a blog?)

  20. r smitty says:

    I posted this on FSP, but it just sounds so much better over here:

    I don’t know. That will be in the final days of Jason’s self-imposed hiatus. I think I might want to be available to witness the tender embrace he received from Mrs. Jason for abstaining (from blogging!!!) for a year.

    Oh yeah, hold that thought. He is no master of his domain.

    I think I will be fishing him out of the river at that time instead.

    Yes, you know I am soooooo in and I am so posting my busting-Jason’s-balls comment on his site, too.

  21. jason330 says:

    I’m so glad that my aborted hiatus provided you with a little hobby. Lord knows what you might have fallen into without it.