Delaware Liberal

Wingardium Leviosa

This is a guest post from Disbelief.

The NJ recently featured an article about Christians who have warmed up to the Harry Potter books. Evidently, there has been a discovery by concerned Christians that these books about witchcraft espouse themes based on values specific to Christian teachings; i.e., self-sacrifice, protection, hope, guidance, love, death, resurrection, etc.

I am glad that the Potter books promote values inimical to most politicians, especially those of the religious right. However, I do have a concern that christians seem to be softening on witchcraft.

After all, witchcraft is a horrible and prevalent problem in our society today. I’m sick and tired of being intimidated with sorcerers in unsavory neighborhoods, and all those spells occurring in the Middle East threaten the family values of not only our society, but also of Senator Still.

According to the NJ article, we do have hope in Don Alexander of Montclair, CA. He is so sure witchcraft is an abomination of God that he as published a fantasy Christian book called Darnia’s Quest, in which the main character ‘Ashaan’ experiences stupid, poorly written adventures underwater (did Christ like Scuba diving?) that involve no witchcraft at all (such as feeding thousands off a couple loaves of bread and a fish, or turning water into wine, or walking on water; now walking on wine would really be something). What is remarkable is that Mr. Alexander’s book has a title very similar to CS Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia, which books are based on the Christ image of Aslan, a name also rather remarkably similar to Mr. Alexander’s ‘Ashaan’. As some of you might know, CS Lewis is the greatest Christian apologist of the 20th century. So why does Mr. Alexander, a fellow worshipper of the one true religion, feel free to rip off Mr. Lewis?

Aren’t true believers great? Thank the one, true Lord that these hard-core religinuts are able to voice our concerns about the problems of witchcraft. What would we do without them? What would copyright infringement lawyers do without them?

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