Don’t forget. It is the lying.

Filed in National by on July 25, 2007

Mike Castle gladly voted to impeach Bill Clinton because he lied.

Cheney & Bush

Don’t forget the lies. Don’t forget how the lies makes them war criminals. Don’t forget the duty to hold our leaders to the same standards to which we hold the leaders of other nations. Don’t forget all those who have died for a pack of lies.

Watch the video over at Delawarewatch.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. Chris says:

    “Bush knocked the towers down!”
    “Iran is not a threat!”
    “Islamic terrorists aren’t really a threat”
    “Socialism works.”
    “Illegal immigration is good for the country.”

    You are right. It really is about the lies.

  2. Jason330 says:

    I have you down as a “no” for impeachment.

  3. Being wrong about WMD’s is not the same as lying.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    But falsifying intelligence to get us there is…

    Remember Powell’s PowerPoint presentation?

  5. Anon II says:

    If you are thinking about not watching the video on DW you do yourself a disservice.

  6. oedipa maas says:

    Exaggerating and hyping the WMD data available in order to sell a war is lying.

    Or at least the Jesuits who taught us about bearing False Witness would have thought so.

    And yes, Clinton thought there were WMD too. But certainly not at the threat level BushCo was trying to sell (mushroom cloud, anyone?). Heck, the way you know that BushCo didn’t see it as a huge threat is to recall how Powell was in serious discussions with the UN to implement to so-called “smart sanctions” that Madeline Albright and Clinton were dead set against shortly after BushCo came to power. If there was any possibility that WMD was present in the hyped fashion they presented after 9/11, there is simply no way they would have even considered smart sanctions.