Those damn Irani, wait, Syrian, wait Saudi Insurgents

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 27, 2007

Now, Bush administration officials are voicing increasing anger at what they say has been Saudi Arabia’s counterproductive role in the Iraq war.

One senior administration official says he has seen evidence that Saudi Arabia is providing financial support to opponents of Mr. Maliki.

The American officials in Iraq also say that the majority of suicide bombers in Iraq are from Saudi Arabia and that about 40 percent of all foreign fighters are Saudi.

The Bush administration’s frustration with the Saudi government has increased in recent months because it appears that Saudi Arabia has stepped up efforts to undermine the Maliki government and to pursue a different course in Iraq from what the administration has charted. Saudi Arabia has also stymied a number of other American foreign policy initiatives, including a hoped-for Saudi embrace of Israel.

Of course, the Saudi government has hardly masked its intention to prop up Sunni groups in Iraq and has for the past two years explicitly told senior Bush administration officials of the need to counterbalance the influence Iran has there.

Last fall, King Abdullah warned Vice President Dick Cheney that Saudi Arabia might provide financial backing to Iraqi Sunnis in any war against Iraq’s Shiites if the United States pulled its troops out of Iraq, American and Arab diplomats said.

we are soooo out of league on this one. George Bush thinks this is a checker’s game while everyone else is playing chess.


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States are close partners in many important endeavors. We welcome the renewed determination of Saudi Arabia to pursue economic reform and its quest to join the World Trade Organization (WTO). We will work together as partners to complete our negotiations and with other WTO members in Geneva with the aim of welcoming Saudi Arabia into the WTO before the end of 2005.

– George W. Bush April 2005

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    Colin Powell has found aerial photographs showing activity on the Suicide Bomber Training Range in Iran:

    “Watch carefully boys – I’m only going to do this once.”

  2. Anon II says:

    Powell has credibility left???
    Where did he find pix in photoshop? Just another minority sell out…..

  3. no Anon ll, not just another minority sell out…
    no need to show your lame bias here but you did.

    I’d call it just another centrist sell out to the far land of wingos. I believed in Powell on his Gulf War record but should have banked on his VNW Mai Lai slaughter of innocents coverup instead.

    those who thought Powell was gonna be honest were hoodwinked (as if that is a proper term for the fiasco before us) nothing to do with his race
    sorry you are so thick as to slime on the race card for your pitiful ass’ whine.

  4. Anon II says:

    Like Rice, Thomas, Gonzolas, Sharpton,Oliver, Shabazz, etc. who were selected/elected due in part to their ‘racial’makeup/so-called ‘connections to the community’.

    They are sell outs…Powell was once considered Presidentail material….he paid a high price to ‘run w/the big dogs’he lost his credibility.

    Note to Nancy

    FYI: I am not now, nor have I ever been, considered racist…dig this: I was not born here, ergo, I was not taught the American brand of racism and indeed I did not teach it to my children…one who married a Lantino, the other an Asian. I’ll accept your apology after you read this.

  5. What makes this posting even more frightening is that it was reported today that the US is about to sell billions of dollars worth or military weapons to Saudi Arabia. We somehow have the mistaken illusion that the Saudi’s will use this arsenal to prop us the teetering government of Maliki. Of course, nothing can be further from the truth. The Saudi’s have proven time after time that they are not to be trusted. These weapons are more likely to end up in the hands of the insurgents to kill more American troops. Now naive can this administration be? They have effectively created a national amnesia. The 19 terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 were trained in Afganistan and Saudi Arabia. They were all native born Saudi’s!!! Iraq and Sadamm had nothing to do with 9/11, although “The Decider” would still like us to believe that they did.