Your “liberal” media

Filed in National by on July 27, 2007

Phrases – Via Eschaton

Number of times the term “Clinton fatigue” appeared, according to a Nexis search, in major papers during July of 1999: 27

Clinton Gallup poll approval rating in July of 1999: 64%

Number of times the term “Bush fatigue” has appeared, so far, in July of 2007: 1

Bush Gallup poll approval rating in July of 2007: 31%

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. Hube says:

    This is great. You constantly use the polls (legitimately) that show how disliked Bush is (there’s NO doubt that he is); yet, when it comes to the same polls that show overwhelmingly that folks believe the MSM is left-leaning, your ridiculous cherry-picking like this comes into play to “prove” the polls “wrong.”

    “Clinton fatigue” has nothing on the epithets expressed as a result of BDS!

  2. jason330 says:

    Polling a question like “is the media liberal?” is just a stupid waste of time.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    I’d like to see these “Media is Liberal” polls, Hube, not originating from a right-wing think-tank.

    And campaign contributions of Sports writers and movie critics don’t count!

  4. Hube says:

    *Sigh*. I might as well just argue that the polls regarding Bush are “a waste of time” and/or “originating from a left-wing think tank.

    Welcome to Delaware Ostrich, all.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    HEY! I used Ostrich before you, so you can’t use it! 😉

    Yeah, like Rassmussen is a bastion of liberalism because they show Bush at a 20-something approval rating.

    The level of conservative disconnect today is amazing. Almost to the levels of the Germans living around the concentration camps…”we saw the trains packed with people coming, but never leaving. We saw the ash and smelled the stench, but thought nothing of it….”

  6. jason330 says:

    They are a stupid waste of time because the media being “liberal” it is not a question of opinion. it is like polling the question: Do you think it is 78 degrees outside?
    It is a matter of proven fact that the mass media in the US is conservative.

    What the poll results say is that many people are stupid and ill informed when it coems to the media.

    Which is not surprising given the fact that conservatives have been working for twenty years to tell people that the media is liberal.

  7. Dorian Gray says:

    “The truth has a liberal bias.”
    -Stephen Colbert.

    It’s the Michael Moore argument. “IT’S ALL LIBERAL PROPAGANDA!”

    Except when he offers $10,000 per incident to prove any misstatement of fact in Fahrenheit 9/11 (and SiCKO) the reward went unpaid. So perhaps Colbert’s satirical statement has some truth in it?

  8. Hube says:

    LOL. There are myriad non-partisan polls that reflect the general public’s perception that the media is liberally biased.

    Talk about Germans watching the trains! SHEESH.

  9. Dave says:

    What about “Delaware Liberal Fatigue?”

  10. Von Cracker says:

    But you can’t seem to provide any of these ‘non-partisan’ polls to back-up your assertions, Hubert.

    And Dave, did you just make up that term? It sounds like Restless Leg Syndrome, so you might have a marketing career with Big Pharma.

  11. google the subject of choice and the truth is not to be found on MSM

    for instance (via atrios)

    Top news stories at

    1: News helicopters collide, killing all aboard
    2: Official: U.S. arms deal to Saudis in works
    3: WWII fighters collide at airshow; 1 dead
    4: Bonds hits 754th home run; 1 shy of Aaron
    5: Cheney having surgery to replace battery
    6: ATM spits out 20s instead of 5s
    7: Source: Musharraf, exiled opponent meet
    8: Doctor now free to leave Australia
    9: Killers threaten dwindling gorilla population
    10: Dime in his pocket, $1.9 million of worries
    Mart | 07.28.07 – 12:25 pm | #

    where is the talk of the shamed AG, the subpoena on Rove and the investigation of Alito and Roberts misleading the Senate about their lying and subsequent free hand breaking of precedent in law?

    CNN not mainstream enough for y’all?