Mike Castle speaks on behalf of the Iraqis all the time, but does he know what they want to happen?
It is a simple question, what do the Iraqis want? But Mike Castle is so great and all knowing he doesn’t bother to ask.
Well World Public Opinion asked.
80% believe the US plans to build perminent bases
70% Desire a timeline for US withdraw
67% Say Day to day security of average Iraqis will improve when US withdraws
73% Say factions would cooperate after US withdraw
47% Approve of attacks on US untill withdraw
Now we have a buch of Republicans like Mike Castle saying that if we left there would be “chaos” – funny how they did not give a flying fuck about the Iraqis when they voted for Bush’s vanity war and now they are all about the poor Iraqis.
If he wants to help the Iraqis, maybe he should start by listening to them.