Delaware Liberal

How the Right wing noise machine works

Some wingnut cranks out some talking points about how “we are finally getting somewhere in Iraq” and the New York Times prints it in the interest of balancing the reality of what is happening in Iraq with some crumbs for the fantasy lovers on the right.

Other newspapers, wingnut blogs and would be OP Ed writers pick up on the nonsense (hey – it was the New York Times after all) because it supports their fantasy based worldview and they get positively spastic with joy that the “liberals” are wrong about Iraq and everything is peachy like Bush has been saying all along. [Mark my words: The retards on the editoral board of the News Journal are going to mention O’Hanlon’s observation that we “can win” in Iraq by the end of the week.]

Then, the original wing-nut backs off his complete bullshit when he is exposed – but his job is done. He has given a bunch of gullible children some reason to go on living in fantasy world for yet another day.

Meanwhile dirty fucking hippies ponder…

What’s amazing how simple it is, how willing our media – universally – are willing to catapult George Bush’s propaganda. I do not believe they are all that stupid, so they are willing accomplices in this disgusting game which perpetuates misery, death, and destruction. If our grand poobahs in the mainstream media want to know why us dirty fucking hippie bloggers hate them, this is why.

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