Dana nails it
Eight Million Iraqis Now Face an Immediate Humanitarian Crisis
It’s fascinating how lengthy discussions about the relative success of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq can occur without once mentioning the people most affected by these adventures: the Iraqi people. Of course that fact is only fascinating if anyone takes seriously all the gobbledygook about our principal aim is to bring democracy to the Iraqi people. If the US was the least bit concerned about bringing real democracy to Iraq, we would gauge our success chiefly on their view. But that would be disastrous for those who support the war since we know that “About 90 percent of Iraqis feel the situation in the country was better before the U.S.-led invasion than it is today” (link).
Dana has indeed nailed it.
That we Americans, and the American Press, would permit us, without sufficient questioning and debate, to engage in such an atrocity, and keep engaging, speaks volumes about the depth of our arrogance and insensitivity as a nation — This all saddens me to the core!