Cohenology 101: Willing Suspension of Disbelief

Filed in National by on August 3, 2007

In theater there is a concept known as the suspension of disbelief. Wikipoedia describes it as “an aesthetic theory intended to characterize people’s relationships to art which refers to the alleged willingness of a reader or viewer to accept as true the premises of a work of fiction, even if they are fantastic, impossible, or contradictory.”

Since as we’ve stated, Celia is about “the show” she relies on her own and her readers ssuspension of disbelief quite frequently.

She pretends not to know things about John Still and writes columns about him running for office which, while they are pure fantasy, keep the narratives alive that she wants to keep alive.

Another great example are these 662 words devoted to Alan Levin. In this essay, Cohen pushes her readers suspension of disbelief to the breaking point but trying to promote a number of fantasies.

The main fantasy is that Republicans don’t mind that Al Levin is a big Joe Biden support. The other fantasies that depend on that main fantasy are that Mike Protack does not exist, mosyt Republicans are very happy with the GOP leadewrship and that thousands of Levin “supporters” were clamoring to praise him and carry him to the Governors office on their shoulders.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. The FSP Ten « First State Politics | August 30, 2007
  1. Dave says:

    The article’s true, except for the fact that the email was sent to Jud Bennett as a 14th district committeeman and not for re-broadcast to 4,000 people. That’s how the room-capacity trouble started.

    And most Republicans don’t mind that Levin gave money to Democrats. He’s not a party hack or an ideologue. He’s a different cat, and when people get exposed to him as a candidate, they’re going to be real impressed.

  2. jason330 says:

    The article’s true, except for …

    SO Levin is enjoying a groundswell of support. Hmmm…? I wonder why he decided to pass up the priceless earned media of a standing room only event?

    I know a SC GOP chair has some great poltical instincts who would have jumped at the “Levin Draws a Crowd” headlines.

    Nope. Doesn’t add up.

  3. Sorry, most Republicans do indeed mind he gave money to Joe Biden.

    Also, on the weekend of the 2006 convention Mr. Levin wrote a check to Tom Carper.

    People will be impressed when they meet him is what I heard about Jan Ting last year and we ended up with 28%.

    Soory again, but we have tried this sort of candidacy many many times with same result-over whelming loss.

  4. anon says:

    I love how Cohen calls Levin support of Biden and Carper “token” support as if that makes it okay.

  5. anon says:

    Cohenology… Is that anything like a colonoscopy?

  6. Kilroy's Was Here says:

    “Sorry, most Republicans do indeed mind he gave money to Joe Biden.”

    I have to agree with Mike on this one.
    I was warned by the party that if I openly support a democrat I would loose my leadership position with the GOP. Levin openly supports Biden and he gets the party nod for governor and I get the boot. However Levin has not announced his intentions to run for governor.

  7. Disbelief says:


    Levin inherited $10 million; you didn’t.

  8. anon says:

    Trust fund is out numbered.

  9. Dave says:

    So you’re going to keep calling me trust fund, even though I don’t have one?

    Call Mama yet?

  10. Dave says:

    Kilroy — Nobody’s gotten the party nod for anything yet.

  11. Dave says:

    “SO Levin is enjoying a groundswell of support. Hmmm…? I wonder why he decided to pass up the priceless earned media of a standing room only event?”

    Because 10 extra people in a room for 40 looks real cool; 100 extra people in a room for 40 isn’t fair to anyone.

    And he didn’t pass it up. The local GOP chair canceled the event after we spoke about it.

  12. Kilroy Was Here says:

    “Kilroy — Nobody’s gotten the party nod for anything yet.”

    Opps ! I get confused with those dam bogus post cards floating around !

  13. Kilroy Was Here says:

    “Levin inherited $10 million; you didn’t.”

    I am sure his Balance Sheet is worth much more.
    I think he could win by a landslide if he promised free Prozac for all registered Democrats.

    Old Kilroy could only swing a night of drinking Everclear from plastic cups.

  14. Disbelief says:

    Prozac? I thought the GOP hardliners like Rush were into the drugs.

  15. Kilroy Was Here says:

    “Prozac? I thought the GOP hardliners like Rush were into the drugs.”

    Hell no they go for the Xanxa to deal with anxiety caused by people like Minner! The democratic voters who supported Minner suffer from Bipolar Disorder and need the Prozac to bring them back to reality.

  16. r smitty says:

    Yeah, Levin gave Biden $250 here $250 there and $500, all spread across seven years. He did give $1k to Carper in 06. In that period of 00 to 06, he gave thousands between Castle and State party. T-H-O-U-S-A-N-D-S. If you owned a business, you, too, would understand the need to contribute wisely. Before now, he thought like a business owner. Boy, if we could list all of the business owners in this state that contributed to both sides of the aisle for a campaign, despite their affiliation. Man, cast them all out! Never run for office…ever!!! I’d rather a human being in office than a lemming.

    Maybe, just maybe, they are also friends…crazy shit like that happens in this state. I do have a novel idea, though…ask him.

  17. Dana Garrett says:

    “If you owned a business, you, too, would understand the need to contribute wisely.”

    I suspect this Machiavellian analysis is precisely correct about Levin. His contributions are mercenary.

    And that’s also why I believe a Levin governorship could self off Delaware’s executive branch and politics to the highest bidders. Great for the elites but the crapper for the rest of us.

    Great post, Mike.

  18. jason330 says:

    Because 10 extra people in a room for 40 looks real cool; 100 extra people in a room for 40 isn’t fair to anyone.

    That dog won’t hunt. Markell (or Carney) is going to be the prohibitive favorite. If it looked like this was going to be a friendly audience the event would have gone on.

    You know it. I know it. Celia knows it.

    Smitty –

    Good theory about the contributions except you forgot one thing. Levin is setting up a huge fundraiser for Biden THIS YEAR. Not a businessman, but a politician with terrible instincts for groundgame politics.

    He might be able to buy a lot of radio ads – but you can’t buy the groundgame instincts.

  19. Dave says:

    “If it looked like this was going to be a friendly audience the event would have gone on.”

    You think that people were going to cram into a room to oppose a guy who’s not even running for office yet?

    Get over yourself.

  20. jason330 says:

    Dave, Dave, Dave….

    I have deja vu. I feel for you man. You are such a good groundgame playah but you are surrounded by tone deaf clods.

    At least you have Celia to help paper over the boners and fuck-ups. (At least for primary season) Cohen is your buddy until Levin beats Protack by 1,200 votes. After that the deal is OFF.

  21. J says:

    “Good theory about the contributions except you forgot one thing. Levin is setting up a huge fundraiser for Biden THIS YEAR. Not a businessman, but a politician with terrible instincts for groundgame politics.”

    Jason – You are right.

    As a Republican, I will tell you this is a suicidal move. I expect the thinking is that in the general the voters will view him as able to work across party lines.

    The problem is Joe Biden is not even a contender, thus his contributions and all money raised on his behalf is going to his re-election campaign for the U.S. Senate.

    Does it make sense for the Republican nominee for Governor to be contributing or raising money for the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate? No…nough said.

  22. Dave says:

    Levin is not setting up a fundraiser for Biden. The AFLCIO and the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce are. Levin is the Chairman of the State Chamber. He can not unilaterally force his own political opinions on the group one way or the other.

    And J — Biden will most assuredly spend all his money trying to compete for the Presidency, because he sees his seat in the Senate as safe. He will not hold back any cash.

  23. jason330 says:

    Levin is not setting up a fundraiser for Biden.

    That departs from Cohen’s take. And if you want me to reply to an email go ahead and send me one.

  24. GOP Shock says:

    To all concerned:

    Let me talk about Protack and Levin.

    Mr.Levin, I know you will read this post. Stay home, we do not want you in any way at any time. Rsmitty, there are more sensible ways to contribute and Mr. Levin did-through a Drug PAC to those friendly to Pharmacy interests. Worse. last year when we were nominating Jan Ting( Mr. 28% at the polls), Levin was writing a check to??? Tom Carper. Let’s face it, the crap we are hearing about Levin from the GOP is what we heard over the years about every insider choice candidate who went to get their ass kicked. That collapsed bridge in Minnesota is on better footing than a Levin candidacy.

    I have worked on many campaigns including Ray Clatworthy’s efforts. I am sickened that Levin gave money to Biden and NONE to Ray. None. Reschedule that meeting, I will be there to ask Levin some tough questions. That is why the meeting was cancelled.

    Mr. Levin has nothing in common with me or most of Delaware, he will lose by at least 15 %.

    Now about Protack. I don’t know if any Republican can beat Markell or Carney but if anyone can, it is Protack. Where else can you find a veteran, gun rights supporting, pro life, blue collar guy who is a union member but beleives in capatalism but has ideas that mean something to people? I hear him on the radio and have met in many times and outside of the cesspool called Republican leadership- he is well liked. I think he talks too much at times but at least he has ideas not a trust fund!

    What I don’t get about Protack is why he keeps on helping the GOP. The same jerks who have screwed him so badly in the past? Strine and Rakestraw are somehow the authority on who can get elected?? Did you hear sour puss Charlie Copeland trash Protack the day Copeland decided he discovered his children are “at that age”?

    Sorry, but the primary last year proved Protack is competitive.

  25. jason330 says:

    If not for a little virgin throwing sand in the gearbox.

    I wonder if Strine and Rakestraw have another single issue nut in the wings if it starts to look like Protack has a chance?

    Okay – nobody comment for a few momutes so I can get out of here.

  26. GOP Shock says:

    Levin has no chance, Protack does.

  27. J says:

    “Levin has no chance, Protack does.”

    I completely disagree. Levin certainly can win.

    My previous post was intended to emphasize my displeasure in a major Republican candidate supporting Joe Biden. Biden would never reciprocate in-kind. Matter of fact let’s make that the standard. We all support a Levin Party for Biden, if Biden throws a bash for Levin for Governor. That’s fair.

    Dave – this is about the only issue I have ever disagreed with you on. Even if he spends his $$$ on his Presidential bid, it is used to bash Republicans…no thanks, I’m not participating in that effort.

    With all due respect, when seeking a full time political gig, you have to decide if your in business or politics. If it’s politics, then fuck Biden. If you want to be the GOP nominee, you don’t support a major Dem, and most certainly not openly.

  28. Priscilla says:

    Levin has no chance in hell but he will write his own check. Daddy’s money down a hole.

    Wow, good point. How do we have a Republican candidate for Governor who won’t be able to campaign with the GOP nominee to run against Sen. Blowhard??

  29. Jason says:

    Resumes don’t win elections, ideas and the ability to get the electorate to support those ideas do.

    While Levin inherited a solid business, he was quite successful in expanding it throghout the state. Then he sold out his employees for money to Walgreens.

    In the end, what does Levin bring to the table with regards to the issues affecting the citizens of this state?

    Since Levin was propped up like King at the convention he disappeared into oblivion. He hardly seems gung-ho on winning this election, with his lackluster performance so far.

    GOP Shock – you are spot on with your comments and support for Protack. Mike will win the nomination for Governor on ideas, and passion.

    The puppets within the party may throw support around Levin, but the lieutenants will follow Protack. This division correlates to the fact that the lieutenants equals the hard-working Republicans who must work for their families, and future. They understand that the silver-spoons in the gated communities are out-of-touch with reality and will further advance of this state.

    Just look at the overall electorate. This is a state of hard-working citizens who face rising health care costs as the population ages; fuel costs as gas prices soar, and energy costs due to exploitation by Delmarva Power.

    The election in 2008 will be won based on who can win on the “kitchen table” topics.

    Levin’s solution to shop at Happy Harry’s is not a solution for health care.

  30. anon says:

    Ideas aside – based on fundraising results, it seems the GOP will have to go with a self-funded candidate. Sorry Mike P.

  31. Dana Garrett says:

    “If you owned a business, you, too, would understand the need to contribute wisely.”

    I suspect this Machiavellian analysis is precisely correct about Levin. His contributions are mercenary.

    And that’s also why I believe a Levin governorship could sell off Delaware’s executive branch and politics to the highest bidders. Great for the elites but the crapper for the rest of us.

    Great post, Jason.

  32. jason330 says:

    Thanks Dana. Cohen has really given up any claim on being a journalists. I’m not sure what to call her. But she views her job as propping up the status quo – that much is clear.

  33. Mike Protack says:

    Anon, sorry but you can’t buy votes like you buy products, you have to earn them.

    Self funded= disaster in 2008.

  34. Dana Garrett says:

    “Cohen has really given up any claim on being a journalists. I’m not sure what to call her.”

    I reccomend “irrelevant.”

  35. anon says:

    Probably the best chance the Republicans have is if Levin signs his money over to Protack.

  36. RickJ19958 says:

    “Mike Protack Says:
    August 4, 2007 at 7:53 pm
    Anon, sorry but you can’t buy votes like you buy products, you have to earn them.”

    On that same token, any disater you can walk away from isn’t a good one… in politics. Just because you embarassed yourself less in 2006 than you did in 2004 and 2002 doesn’t mean you didn’t embarass yourself and the Republican party.

  37. RickJ,

    Yes 2004 was a tough one but my performance was much better than Vance Phillips who primaried Ray Clatworthy in 1996 after Ray had won the convention.

    2006 was a good year. Even you have to acknowledge that fact. We won 22/41 districts, tied in one and carried all of Kent County.

    In 2002 many of us did not think it was the best idea for Ray Clatworthy to have a rematch because they usually don’t change the results.

    I realized at the convention that Ray was our best choice and at the podium I offered him a flag I had flown on Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima. Mr. Levin did it the other way, he contributed money to Ray’s opponent, Joe Biden. Mr.Levin is the one who has embarassed the party.

    RickJ, the embarrassment for the Republican Party is the constant and worsening losses throughout the state at every level.

  38. Rickj,

    A quick follow up. Was the 28% Ting got in 2006 a good thing for the party? It was an all time record low result.

    Thanks. While you think on that one go to and check out a few winning ideas for 2008 including Delacare 2008.

  39. WTFO says:

    It looks likes Protack left RickJ speechless. RickJ is another tired GOP hack who is clueless and menaingless.

    That BS Levin pulled by giving to Biden is the all time crap for the bozos at the GOP headquarters if there still is one.

  40. priscilla says:

    Look now, you will what I say when I tell you.

    Remember, last year we asked Chris Bullock to challenge Protack and yea I know Bullock is a democrat now. The we asked Michele Rollins, who really lives in Jamaica and I have to make sure she fails so she won’t challenge me for national committeewoman. Ting was expendable, ha ha.

    So what if Levin is a disloyal money grubber who inherited Daddy’s business and then sold out when the going got tough? Protack cares about people and has an agenda that might get him elected and that means curtains for me and Terry. Eeeeks.