Coverage of YEARLYKos convention shows that the MSM is starting to “get” the netroots

Filed in National by on August 3, 2007

The Washington Post describes Yearly Kos as the other national convention.

The common assumption is that the Net roots is monolithic and full of ideologues. It is neither. It is made up of people who are mostly interested in getting Democrats elected — and making sure Democrats stay in power.

Meanwhile E. J. Dionne gets it

Daily Kos is often described as liberal, but it is, more than anything, partisan. Its core assumption is that ideological conservatives made the Republican Party their vehicle and rallied in lock step against Democrats. The party of FDR and JFK needed to find the same discipline. The key litmus tests for Kos and his many allies in the blogosphere involve not long lists of issues developed by the American Civil Liberties Union or the AFL-CIO, but loyalty in standing up against Bush and doing what’s necessary to build a Democratic majority.


It is a constant puzzlement to me that Democratic activists are regarded as “partisan” while right wing Republicans like Castle are regarded as “bipartisan” centrists. Moreover, when partisanship is practiced by Democrats it is BAD and “extreme” , but when practiced by George Bush and Mike Castle they are “resolute” and “firm”.

Well if being partisan is bad, I don’t want to be right. I think we can all agree that it was the lack of staunch partisanship on the part of liberals and Democrats opened the door to the rank kakistocracy of the Bush/Cheney/Delay/Castle years.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. Dave says:

    YearlyKos hypocrites exposed.

    From Ezra Klein:

    “AN ODD CLOSE. As the Military and Progressives panel came to an end, a young man in uniform stood up to argue that the surge was working, and cutting down on Iraqi casualties. The moderator largely freaked out. When other members of the panel tried to answer his question, he demanded they “stand down.” He demanded the questioner give his name, the name of his commander, and the name of his unit. And then he closed the panel, no answer offered or allowed, and stalked off the stage,

    Wes Clark took the mic and tried to explain what had just occurred: The argument appears to be that you’re not allowed to participate in politics while wearing a uniform, or at least that you shouldn’t, and that the questioner was engaging in a sort of moral blackmail, not to mention a violation of the rules, by doing so. Knowing fairly little about the army, I can’t speak to any of that. But it was an uncomfortable few moments, and seemed fairly contrary to the spirit of the panel to roar down the member of the military who tried to speak with a contrary voice.”

  2. Dave says:

    Proof of the hypocrisy from Kink Kossack himself.

  3. jason330 says:

    I’m otta here.

    check back after 3:00 for “Tom Carper is a F’ing douche bag”

    (when have you heard Dave talk about a Delaware Republican like that…?)

    Never – that’s when.

  4. Dave says:

    Simply because I don’t use that foul language.

    Do you kiss your wife with that mouth?

  5. jason330 says:

    When have you heard Dave Burris use a more gentlemanly equivalent term about Delaware Republicans?

    Never – that’s when. And I’m the big partisan…

    Now I’m outta here for real.

  6. Disbelief says:

    Anyone see the Charles Swift interview on WHYY last night?

    Holy shit!

  7. Dave says:

    “When have you heard Dave Burris use a more gentlemanly equivalent term about Delaware Republicans?”

    I believe I’ve called out my own before, and I imagine it won’t be too long before I do it again.

    I’m made of titanium, remember?

  8. jason330 says:

    Atkins? C’mon dude. That would be like me pissing on Jim Vaughn. I mean a state level Republican. A Mike Castle for example.

    Anyway – you pulled the rug out under Atkins to advance your own agenda so it does not really count.

  9. Chris says:

    Once again Jason ducking the issue. Basically, at YearlyKOS a solider can only have an opinion if it is the one that group wants to hear. Otherwise. SHUT YOUR TRAP!

  10. Von Cracker says:

    Actually, the ACTIVE soldier (according to the military) shouldn’t voice or show their opinion at any political event, be it pro/anti war, D or R….

    Now if you’re going to castigate the moderator for his tone, well OK, that’s your right. But you can’t say that he is in the wrong, when it comes to the substance of the objection.

  11. Dave says:

    Advance my agenda? What agenda is that? To not have perjuring spousal abusers in the legislature?

  12. oedipa maas says:

    Read the Kos article again, Dave — Cpl. Adam Kokesh is a vet — already discharged from the Marines. The fight being waged there is whether the DoD can tell its discharged vets what they can wear and when. Active duty military are typically not supposed to be at political events in uniform. Lt. Klingenschmitt has been court martialed for it.

    The moderator and those who shouted him down were certainly graceless, but you certainly aren’t here to claim that Dems have a monopoly on that behavior. Donviti posted a video here (I can’t find it) of a reported from (the Nation?) being shown the door at some Young Republican event, and <a href=””shouting down a prayer service didn’t produce an acknowledgment of the hypocrisy or the gracelessness of repubs by you or Chris.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    So everyone has to be in lockstep with Kos? You should know by now that’s a Republican mind-set, Brownshirt Ming*!

    And isn’t Kos’ point referring to discharged military personnel and not active duty?

    * For the ill-referenced…

    Striking resemblance…. 😉

  14. Dave says:

    I can’t do that thing with my eyebrows.

  15. jason330 says:

    Advance my agenda? What agenda is that? To not have perjuring spousal abusers in the legislature?
