Tone Deaf Clods

Filed in National by on August 4, 2007

I’m not kidding when I say that I feel for Dave. He’s got the Joe Biden supporterLevin and FlippRomney to make excuses for. Speaking as a 2006 Spivack supporter, that shit will wear you out.

Mike Matthews links to Romney’s latests debacle. The video would not load for me, but the transcript is bad enough.

I’m finding that in politics you can have the greatest resume in the world and more money than Bill Gates – but if you don’t have good political instincts, you have nothing.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (23)

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  1. Dave says:

    I’d be proud to have either (or both) on the ticket in 08, and I don’t have to make excuses for either.

    Fact is, when Romney was in charge, everyone in Mass got health insurance. No one else can make that claim.

    And you’re clearly scared of both.

  2. Dave says:

    I have two wildly successful individuals who have proven themselves as the #1 guy running to be the #1 guy.

    You have a Dem Congress that just violated 218 years of rules precedent to cast an illegal re-vote on a provision to give health and residence benefits to illegal immigrants. Follow that with two guys running for Governor who have been complicit in the worst Administration in Delaware history.

    I’ll be sleeping just fine tonight.

  3. jason330 says:

    Your double comment says otherwise.

  4. Dave says:

    I just figure the more comments I leave, the more likely you are to respond to my emails.

  5. jason330 says:

    …oh they get weary
    them young Repubs do get weary
    hearing that same old story in the press

    oh but when they get wearied
    try a little tenderness…

  6. jason330 says:

    got got got to try a little tenderness
    yeah yeah
    lord have mercy now
    all you got to do is take my advice
    you’ve got to hold him
    don’t squeeze him
    never leave him
    you’ve got to hold him
    and never
    so you got to try a little tenderness
    a little tenderness
    a little tenderness
    a little tenderness
    you’ve got to
    got to got to
    you’ve gotta hold him
    don’t squeeze him
    never leaver him
    you got
    got got got to
    now now now
    got got got to
    try a little tenderness….

  7. Disbelief says:

    Dave says, “Fact is, when Romney was in charge, everyone in Mass got health insurance. No one else can make that claim.”

    Dave, you now have full coverage under the Disbelief Health Care System. No medical care provider will accept it, no money will be reimbursed to you, but you don’t have to pay any premium!

    There. Now you have two health care systems that don’t work.

  8. Dave says:

    You’re nuts.

    But I do love me some Otis Redding…

  9. GOP Shock says:

    Levin inherited Daddy’s company and guess what? Drug sales went up three to four times in dollars and so did Happy Harry’s stores.

    Ruth Ann Minner could have run Happy Harry’s stores and they would have been successful.

    I guess so much for local Republican leaders being impartial?? Huh, Dave? Your butt kissing for Levin is a bit much.

    If health care is the issue Protack is the only one D or R who has a workable plan. Levin has his millions and no plan at all.

  10. Chris says:

    “You have a Dem Congress that just violated 218 years of rules precedent to cast an illegal re-vote on a provision to give health and residence benefits to illegal immigrants. ”

    What?!? And we haven’t heard about it hear on this board until now? Shocking.

    Talk about disbelief. Apparently Democrat S**T doesn’t stink.

  11. Priscilla says:

    As soon as Levin is done with his caviar, champagne and talking with union boss Sam Lethem about the Joe Biden event he will talk to the unwashed masses.

    But not until then, we at the state HQ will decide who will lose in 2008 and no one else.

  12. Dave says:

    “I guess so much for local Republican leaders being impartial?? Huh, Dave? Your butt kissing for Levin is a bit much.”

    It will be revealed in the next week why I am no longer impartial, and you are helping me do that right now, GOP Shock.

    Also, no one accused me of partiality when I invited Protack to speak to the Sussex GOP.

  13. Mike Protack says:


    Thanks for the opportunity to speak to the Sussex Region in June but I don’t think that is the issue at all.

    Meetings for Republicans should be open and clearly that is not the case now. This chain of events happened last year with Jan Ting and it did not serve the process very well.

    I look forward to hearing your reason for not being impartial.

  14. jason330 says:

    So do I.

  15. r smitty says:

    Hey, what the hell, I’m looking forward to it, too.

  16. I wish we could talk about issues that matter.

  17. r smitty says:

    No, I think this does matter as GOP Shock has warranted this response, whatever it may be. GOP Shock, so called sympathist with the party faithful (to which I call bullshit), has done what he/she can to demean what Alan has done. It’s not just here, Mike, it’s all over many blogs.

    Personally, I’m looking forward to another fuscia postcard, now that the anony attacks have ramped up again. Not so much for the content, but to prevent my kids from seeing it, now that my oldest can read fairly well. Oh, hell, for the content, too. It’s some of the most idiotic, cowardly crap, yet amusing in it’s pitifulness, that I have seen in much of my life. I actually feel sorry for the person(s) doing them. It’s got to be a pathetic existence to be so little in moral stature.

  18. jason330 says:

    How do you really feel smitty?

  19. Rsmitty,

    I don’t get the cards so I don’t know except after the fact. As I said in my letter, which I would like to hear your opinion, I think the cards are very ineffective and rather stupid.

    It is apparent some one has some long term grudges(20 years+) or so with many parts of the GOP structure. Unfortunately, after the Ting fiasco (27%)last year and many other failures some people have had enough and are lashing out. Many others are simply staying home as evidenced by the convention this year which was a pretty sad event.

    Blogs are filled with electronic graffiti and people who won’t use their names. I get attacked on a routine basis by many of the GOP faithful who disguise themselves.

    Last comment. Where were you when the GOP used state party $$$ to attack me in the primary last year with hundreds of radio ads while leading us to record losses?? After that I still worked on your race (Cathcart) and others.


  20. WTFO says:

    It looks like Burris is getting testy these days. My question is simple-how do you let Levin get a pass on giving to Biden many many years and planning a fundraiser event this year with a union boss??? Also, if the dates are right Levin wrote a check to Carper the same weekend as the GOP convention in 2006 when he gave no money to Ting???

    Let’s face it, the GOP tried B Gary Scott in 1992, remember his name is on all those signs?. We got John Burris from the state chamber of commerce shoved down our throats in 2000 than the amiable but lazy former Judge in 2004 after he screwed Burris in 2000?

    What a joke. The Dems secret weapon for victory is Priscilla and Strine.

  21. r smitty says:

    Last comment. Where were you when the GOP used state party $$$ to attack me in the primary last year with hundreds of radio ads while leading us to record losses?? After that I still worked on your race (Cathcart) and others.

    I hear where you are coming from, but that is still disingenuous of you to make that comment to me. You know exactly what I was doing. I did not blog on politics very much once late August came around, specifically the Peach Festival down here. My focus from that point forward was to manage his campaign. When you did help our campaign, I really thought I made a huge point to thank you and tell others of your effort. It was greatly appreciated. So, to answer your question, I was focused on managing Dick’s campaign, minding my family, and attending school so I can finally acheive my bachelor’s degree. My apologies I did not take on your fight at that time.

    I get attacked on a routine basis by many of the GOP faithful who disguise themselves.
    and apparently I am not immune from attacks by you, eh? At least you used your name.

  22. Randy,

    No apology asked for or needed. I gladly helped you and will do it again, anytime. I hope with your newborn and school you are getting some sleep.

    I bring up the radio ads because while many are shocked by the pink cards they seemed to be dismissive of what set up the atmosphere for this sort of nonsense. The state party used your money to attack another Republican while we were on our way to getting killed int the fall campaign.

    Now members of our leadership are using party time and resources to organize “coffees” for a person who contributed money over many many years to Sen Biden and Tom Carper.

    Again, no attack on you my friend. See you soon.