Why do right-wingers hate Canada?
is it…
a) Canada’s universal health care system
b) Canada’s willingness to shoulder a disproportionate NATO burden in Afghanistan
c) Canada’s unmitigated gall to say that invading Iraq was a bad idea, or
d) round “bacon” that is not really bacon but, let’s be honest, ham.
Canada is great place. Years ago it was #1 in a world wide survey for “quality of life” items.
Why would we hate it for its healthcare? We will let the thousands that flock over the border to Upstate NY and Michigan to actually get SEEN by a doctor do that.
Besides it has become fashionable for liberals to “escape” to Canada. I am all for making that our chief export. Any of you interested?
I’m packing! I just purely love that round bacon.
Seriously Chris — love it or leave it — that was a slogan forty years ago. I wish we had learned something from that war. But, oh wait, our draft dodging, non-serving president couldn’t learn anything back then. He was too high on coke.
“But, oh wait, our draft dodging, non-serving president couldn’t learn anything back then. He was too high on coke.”
As opposed to the draft dodging pot-smoking, womanizing, previous president, who actually led anti- American rallies in forgeign countries?
But seriously, you think Socialized medicine in the cats pajamas, at least go up there and try it for while. Why make life miserable for the rest of us. Besides, consider the global disservice you would do. If we get socialized medicine where is the rest of the world going to go when they need good health care?
I think it’s the bacon thing. I never got that one either. It’s ham for God’s sake.
But I’d swear on a stack of Bibles it was bacon if we could get their health care system here in the US.
I love Canada! Harper for President!
“But I’d swear on a stack of Bibles it was bacon if we could get their health care system here in the US.”
Love you and your families health that little huh?
By the way…need an MRI?