I’m watching The GOP DEBATES with George Howthefuckdoyouspelmynamopolous

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 5, 2007

I’m going to attempt to do a little live blogging on this freaking Republican Debates

It didn’t dawn on me to tape them, but I will tivo what I can.

Right now I just saw Flipp take a shot at Obama and said that he “In one week has gone from Jane Fonda to Dr. Strangelove”.  The crowd went wild.

They are playing the “Dems don’t support the Troops” card.  It really is amazing how they play to their base.  Duncan Hunter, just said the Dem Debate was a race to see who could get to the Exit, then said that the candidates didn’t once stop to thank the troops.  It is pretty disgusting to watch.

 At one point they started talking about Pro Choice and Mr Evolution (no not Ryan) Brownback was railing on Flip.  Flip had a good line.  He said,”I’m tired of this Holier than thou attitude that someone was against abortion longer.”  It was a classic actually.

 Ok, I’ll be back.  This shit makes me sick, but I have to watch both sides if I want to espouse myself as fair. 

Update I: Romney is yapping about families that have made a huge sacrifice, and the “people of america need to show a surge of support” and everyone needs to support this surge…

 Damn, Tancredo just said I came to this debate and haven’t had a chance to talk.  Mr Bomb Mecca, white supremacist supporter.  He is talking about rules of engagement.  No arms tied behind our back.  Wow, this guy is worse than Buchanan was. 

None of these guys want to talk about Political solution.  We already know we can win the military war, Christ, you’d think that was all this was about.

Tommy Thompson looks like an inflated Tommy lee Jones for crying out loud.  Wow he is blaming the Iraqi’s, but whoa he said it is a failure of congress and the US.  He disagrees with Brownback on what dividing the country up Biden style.  Tommy didn’t get a

Oh, that’s what i wanted to say, Brownback had this great Idea of dividing up Iraq…only problem is, IT’S Bidens idea.  And there is no way those Arabs are splitting up that country. 

Ok, I’ll be back with more…

UPDATE II:  WHOAAAA This gravel guy just said no WMD’s, No Al Qaeda, Blaming Cheney, Just said he wont go into these unjust wars.. (unjust is key word there)

Woooo, Romney just interjected “Has he forgotten about 9/11”  WTF, 9/11 and Iraq MEME oh brother!

Christ!  I’ll be back

UPDATE III: Here we go National Healthcare….

Huckabee just said give every American the same health Care CONGRESS has…oh please as if.  This is the same guy that blames poor Americans for being obese

UPDATE IV: Tancredo, no “womb to tomb healthcare” nice….then started blaming the illegals, wow, it is a free for all. 

Romney on the fence with child health care.  They are following right along with the President that this child healthcare is ideological. 

Guilliani saying the CHIP plan will make the kids “wards of the state”….then he moved right along into the slippery slope theory that it wont end if we dont’ stop insuring someone BS.  He just took it further by throwing in Michael Moore and the Canada, UK, Cuba scenario.  How appalling these guys are talking about socialized medicine.  We are talking about kids here. 

They all have moved away from the question and changed the debate topic to Universal and forgot about the FUCKING KIDS.



Guilliani taking the high road and not beating him up, saying he would keep the option open (I assume the nuclear option)

Flip didn’t “I think Obama needs to think about who are enemies”  how pathetic, then mentions Chavez.  He really is an asshole. 

In the end they all agree with Obama, but just want to hammer him.  Pathetic. 

Five minutes on Health Care and Domestic issues….so far about 45 on Terrorism…  a saying comes to mind about fiddling while Rome burns.

UPDATE VII: Ron Paul is like that Sesame Street tune One of these guys is not like the other, How the hell is he up there?  Funny though he is to Romney’s left, but the viewer’s right and Tancredo is at his far right buy my left.  Totally on the wrong side of the stage.

UH OH, Romney just mentioned Lebanon as an example of democracy.  OMG LMAO,  good example to cite.

 Tommy Thompson just  bitch slapped Tancredo and agreed with me and said that bombing holy sites would piss off a billion Muslims and be the wrong thing to do. 

Update VIII:  This is interesting they haven’t cut to anyone else’s wife at these debates besides Romney’s.  It has been at least 4 times this hour.  I don’t know if anyone else’s wife is there though. 

Romney just said he believes that middle income Americans SHOULD PAY NO TAXES ON THEIR SAVINGS….WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN????


Just went online to vote who is winning the Debate and check this out…

Ron Paul


Mitt Romney


Mike Huckabee


Rudy Giuliani


Nobody won. I’m voting Democratic.


Tom Tancredo


John McCain


Nobody. I’m waiting for Fred Thompson or Newt Gingrich to enter the race.


Duncan Hunter


Tommy Thompson


Sam Brownback


Total Vote: 3,015

McCain just basically said that Cheney has too much power and he would restrict the VP’s power when he gets the office. 

But MR. Mayor, backed away and said that he is ok with it and the President can use a VP how he sees fit. 

UPDATE IX: Ron Paul saying that Cheney represents the NEOCONS.  No wonder he is winning the debates

UPDATE XI: Mr. Evolution 2 (Huckabee) Supports the Fair Tax (23% sales tax, no income, estate,payroll or cap gains)

Romney doesn’t or does he, he said the truth is “we are going to pay taxes” Man he didn’t answer the question.  5 people clapped at most.

Guilliani called the estate tax the Death Tax, typical, but when you die it aint your money anymore unless you believe in reincarnation.  Still don’t understand how people are against that one…but that is another debate. 

McCain we will vote on it, but no answer

Tancredo (king Whitey) yapping about taxes allows the government to manipulate the people

Mr. Evolution (Brownback) Flat tax (did you know that when a staffer left his office he kneeled down on the ground and washed her feet like Jesus did to Mary Magdalen? true story)

Update XII: Now they have to talk about their biggest mistake…

Romney being for Abortion before he was against it

Rudy I don’t  have enough time, I need a priest, he didn’t answer

McCain I hired bad staffers and now I am in a huge hole for my campaing

Huckabee I used to be fat

Brownback that I don’t tell my kids I love them enough   OH PLEASE!!!!!!

Thompson not supportive of my breast cancer

Tancredo took me 30 years that Jesus Christ is my personal savior….oh man that beats Brownback

Update XII: What will you restore to the whitehouse

Brownback The family and overturn Roe v Wade 

McCain “I love my country” and I am fully prepared to fight Terrorism we must win, we will and we must never surrender

Rudy Restore hope, build our future on optimism, not defeatism like the Democrats, He just turned the question around and said the 3 Dems don’t have Executive Experience…nice jab

Romney would strengthen our military, strengthen our economy, keep taxes down he threw in oil in the same sentence and then jumped on the family bandwagon

Huckabee I will remember that he works for the american people, but he didn’t say american people weird

Ron Paul would restore openess to the government…


Hunter blah blah trade, my son was in Iraq, I will work to make sure we elivate the American Family

OH WOW, they are over. 

I did it.  I hope you enjoyed it. 

the winner Ron Paul

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hiding in the open

Comments (27)

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  1. J says:

    “Ok, I’ll be back. This shit makes me sick, but I have to watch both sides if I want to espouse myself as fair. ”

    Still waiting on the fairness part. Do you like what somebody is wearing at least? Maybe we can make you the designated style watch.

    Maybe what you should do is stop live blogging and shut the fuck up and learn something 🙂

  2. donviti says:

    I am learning something.

    healthcare, Michael Moore
    Democrats = Liberal = Evil

  3. Chris says:

    “Democrats = Liberal = Evil”

    Maybe you will finally get it.

    Here on DelawareEvil.net

  4. Von Cracker says:

    I saw better debaters in my high school auditorium.

    Look how EXTREME Chris is today…..well everyday, just wacky

  5. jason330 says:

    Thanks for jumping on the grenade. We’ll have to have a Deliberal Republican debate watching party sometime – it would be a hoot.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    Drink when you smell FEAR!!!

  7. June says:

    Being new to this stuff, I’d like to know who the heck is donviti? This was really a hoot to read. I loved it and am so glad I didn’t watch the debate. Nothing could have been better (or worse) than reading these updates.

  8. donviti says:


    I am delaware’s hottest blogger

  9. June says:

    Is that your picture? You look awfully young !!

  10. David says:

    nice job chester

  11. r smitty says:


    I am delaware’s hottest blogger…..
    from DelawareLiberal.net.

  12. r smitty says:

    Back to topic…

    Been talking to a couple of friends that have an interest in the Repub debates. One was a Philiraqian (now a Californian) that is a Libetarian, but, go figure, a big Ron Paul supporter. The other two basically got sick of DE and moved away, but are both GOPers.

    All three think Ron Paul is the sleeper to watch ascend. Neither are necessarily saying he will win the nomination at this point, but think he will claw his way into significance in the primaries. They all agree that Rudy helped him out in the long run with that temper tantrum.

    There always seems to be a minor leaguer that comes up and mixes it with the big guns for a while, in some cases, the whole thing. Just something to watch.

  13. donviti says:


    In watching the debates Ron Paul got the loudest applauses when he spoke the truth about NO WMD’s, the war, and a few other jabs. Now my assumption is this is crowd is solidly GOP, so I found that amazing.

    What’s sad though, this morning (monday) all they can talk about is Romney and how he bitched slapped Mr. Evolution.

    not a mention of Ron paul.

  14. jason330 says:

    In watching the debates Ron Paul got the loudest applauses when he spoke the truth about NO WMD’s, the war,

    It is amazing to me that Romney does not see the merit in blasting the President on Iraq and moving away from GOP ownership of the debacle.

    Guliani and McCain are leaving the keys in the car.

  15. These debates resemble hair coloring commercials, all fluff and no substance.

  16. Tyler Nixon says:

    …except for Congressman Ron Paul, Mike.

    Paul is the only true conservative Republican running for president.

    The rest are neo-con/Bushie clone artists, flailing to out-fear and out-apocalypse each other with nonsense so vapid they would make a round-robin volleyball tournament for the blind look like ballet.

  17. Von Cracker says:

    I want a Paul/Gravel unity ticket! Could you imagine that? 😉

    But the fundamental issue is that Paul hates the federal government and wants to strip it down bare. Problems that would arise from that mindset will be devastating….

  18. Tyler Nixon says:

    “Paul hates the federal government and wants to strip it down bare.”

    I beg to differ. He opposes what it has become in the hands of national socialists and wants government to devolve as closely to the people as possible – especially when it comes to control of their money and resources. It is a little thing called FEDERALISM, something our founders envisioned. But don’t think for a second that Paul believes a massive sprawling federal government is any better when bought and paid-for by corporate interests. If anything he knows the only way to remove corporate power over government is to remove government power over every minutiae of human existence.

    If our founders saw the lumbering, wasteful, manipulated, manipulative, out-of-control leviathan that is the United States Government in the year 2007, I am certain they too would be working for Ron Paul.

    Either way, I would sooner take a RE-establishment of serious limits on national government than accept the fantasy that it can beneficent and omnipotent at the same time.

    “Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government’s purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning, but without understanding.” – Louis Brandeis (not exactly a raging right-winger).

  19. Tyler Nixon says:

    It is worth it to work for nominees on BOTH sides who speak like this (and mean it) :



  20. Von Cracker says:

    I’ll take the “national socialists” comment as hyperbole.

    With that said, I completely understand the term “Federalism”, as it pertains to what it meant to our Founding Fathers, Hamilton’s and Jefferson’s interpretations of it. Paul is clearly on the Jeffersonian side of the argument, which would be anti-Federalism (or a weak central government). The Hamiltonian way would place the States as an occasional “check and balance” (such as providing additional protections not provided by the Constitution) to the FG, but not as the driving forces of our nation.

    I understand his wanting to “streamline” the Federal Gov; but given his druthers, such as stripping essential programs, or agencies (that most Americans want), his policies will certainly cause many citizens to rely on the States to provide remedies.

    What would happen to the people of Mississippi and Louisiana, compared to people of California and New York? Things we now share (nationally) will eventually become inequitable. And the worst case, after years of a “Libertarian” rule, would be 50 decentralized city-states, with extremely strong local governments.

    Paul lost me (as a serious candidate) was when he said he’s dissolve the IRS. The system can most definitely be better than it is now, but please, come on! But I’ll always respect his truth to party-power ways!

    ….to my Freedom Ain’t Free compatriots, that’s f’ing right! So pay your damn taxes!”

  21. Tyler Nixon says:


    I just don’t buy that sending money to Washington to dole out back to us through the likes of Ted Stevens and Robert Byrd is or ever has been the answer. It is a recipe for corruption on the level we have, in which national power elites redistribute our national resources based on service to their political power base and powerful constituencies able to manipulate these few.


    Certain things must be done nationally, just not on the absurd, wasteful, unaccountable scale as the national socialists have brought us with this creeping big brother/nanny.

    I use the term national socialist in all seriousness. If the definition fits, wear it. I am not intending to imply this term in the sense of the Germany 1930’s variety, but after 6 years of Bush does it seem we are far off?

    If you want every aspect of society (health, welfare, education) uniformly nationalized through a central collective power you are a national socialist. Plain and simple.

    The only way to end the likes of Bush and his ilk, for goos, is not to elect their bipolar twins who only spout different rhetoric, dancing around the same corrupt system. It is to remove any partisan or special interests’ ability to control and manipulate our national fate with such ease and impunity, bought and paid-for with the monetary influences of concentrated wealth. The only way to ensure against abuse of power is never to give it in the first place.

    “We can have a democratic society or we can have great concentrated wealth in the hands of a few. We cannot have both.” – Louis Brandeis

    Like it or not, the federal government as it has evolved is concentrated wealth in the hands of a few — almost exclusively controlled by those few who personally possess concentrated wealth, and in service to the interests of their own wealth.

    As far as taxes, you have to be kidding you can defend the IRS any more than the abominable tax code that is haven for the wealthy and a leach upon the working masses.

    FAIR TAX – progressive, universal, simple, unintrusive.


  22. Tyler Nixon says:

    Robert Kennedy, Jr. said his grandfather had an blunt name for extraordinarily wealthy oligarchs who benefit from our country’s goods while evading, like a shell game, paying taxes. He called them TRAITORS.

    If you look at a greedy megalomaniacal bastard like Rupert Murdoch and his NewsCorp’s mass evasion of taxes to our government, the term organized treason takes on new meaning. Ditto Warren Buffett, Bill Gates.

    Show me a billionaire and I will show you a greedy, despicable sociopath.

  23. Von Cracker says:

    I just don’t see things that we all (well, almost) want as Americans, and uniformly provided by the Federal Government, such as Healthcare, Education, and Infrastructure, as being part of a National Socialist agenda. When, in fact, it’s the collective determination of the citizenry, through voting for representatives to implement such wants, that is proof of a true democracy.

    I do agree with you somewhat that there is a socialist tendency as it pertains to our gov’t, but it doesn’t benefit the people. It benefits corporations instead.

    If you want to talk about welfare, the Corporations/Special Interests are the largest recipients, and in more ways then most can imagine. Exorbitant tax breaks and code (hell, just look at the off-shore tax loopholes for Big Oil and the likes of Halliburton), Fed buy-outs, subsidies (be it for Pharma or Agra), take a massive toll on the average Joe, as well as the companies that try to follow a true, honest capitalistic model.

    I am all for revamping the Personal/Individual tax code. Progressive and fair, based on real-life capabilities and consumption of ‘tax-provided resources’, i.e. – 20% of 50k is not 20% of 500k; and if you’re making 500k, you’re certainly using more ‘tax-provided resources’ than the person making 50k…..if you know what I’m saying…

  24. Von Cracker says:

    “Show me a billionaire and I will show you a greedy, despicable sociopath.”

    Does that go for Mark Cuban too?

    I know Buffett and Gates give away more money than the sum of Africa’s GDP, so I have to give them some cred. At least they make an effort to give back. Rupert on the other hand is what you said….a sociopath. And one who thinks everything is available to him, by any means necessary, to further his personal agenda/empire without any regard for the common good, present or future.

  25. Tyler Nixon says:

    Well said, all around VC. We may have to agree to disagree on how collective, remote, and large is/are the government(s) that assure(s) the essential needs of those Americans who need the essentials.

    My problem is with things like Social Security not being means-tested. I mean give me a break…it should be social SECURITY, not an entitlement. But the system of one-size-fits-all pie-splitting inevitably bankrupts the middle class and leaves the poor still in need as the wealthy game the big monolithic system, which is removed from real, direct citizen influence.

    As far as Gates or Buffett, I don’t give free passes to those who decide to come off some of their beyond-justifiable wealth after they have already accumulated it. These guys only have consciences after they realize they can’t take it with them. The fact that they hoarded and pirated that much wealth for themselves in the first place is enough for me to have no mercy on their souls.

    Who the heck is Mark Cuban?

  26. Von Cracker says:

    Owner of the Dallas Mavericks, and appropriately so…


    And Social Security is in good shape at least until we’re long gone, unless the Treasury can’t honor the bonds it issued…or so I’ve read.

  27. I hope more and more Delawarians realize that Ron Paul is the only candidate who is going to bring integritym, honesty and transparent government back to the white house.

    If you’re ready to get more involved, we’d love to have you aboard: http://www.ronpaulde.com