Delaware Liberal

Concerted National Push to Get Rid of Mike Castle

The Swing State Project has released its list of the top 20 recruiting priorities for house races. Finding someone to take on Mike Castle is NUMBER 3!!

20 key House recruiting priorities.

On the whole Democrats are doing exceptionally well when it comes to House Challenger recruitment. By my count there are already 45 districts in which well-established challengers could potentially win. Additionally Democrats have another five districts in which challengers are pretty close to declaring and if such challengers declared would also make these very competitive. This amounts to already 50 potential wins. While this is very good news, I believe there are at twenty more districts in which a Democrat could win if a proper challenger would emerge. With any luck we should be looking at 70 Republicans or more than 1/3 of the Republican House Caucus on the Run. The twenty districts in need of a challenger are on the flip with brief explanations of each. It is also extremely important to remember challenger does not have to mean extremely well funded, well connected party insider or self-funder. In 2006 we won with many first time , regular people who worked very hard. We need just as many Tim Walz’s, as Nick Lampson’s

3. DE AL
This district has been held extremely well held by Republican Michael Castle for a relatively long time and will be an extremely difficult get and yet it is the most Democratic district of any held by a Republican. So far no credible challenger has emerged but if one does Mike Castle can be beat.

This is the kind of thing we are going to need in order to get rid of the fake moderate, Mike Castle. A concerted blog-wide, DCCC, push to find and fund a candidate who can expose Castle’s pro-bush voting record to daily (hourly) scrutiny.

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