Saddam was terrible; ergo everything we do is okay.

Filed in National by on August 6, 2007

I call bullshit on the statement above.

I’ve made this point befor but here we go again for the folks in the cheap seats.

Bush is terrible. That does not mean I want China to come in bomb every bridge and power plant, burn my house down, kill all of my male relatives and many of my children in order to “liberate” me from his misrule.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (5)

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  1. J says:

    There you go again mixing your arguments up. Pick one. Are you against Insurgents and AQ disruption or American Forces assistance.

    The insurgents are responsible for the acts in your example, NOT Americans.

    The insurgents are committing the atrocities in order to restore there Saddam era positions of power and control. AQ is there to mess with the U.S. effort to assist those liberated.

    I suppose you meant to apply your statement to Americans but I’ll give you an out, however if you truly meant what you wrote, that is beyond words.

  2. jason330 says:

    J –

    I don’t why you think our occuption is all candies and flowers for the Iraqis. We painted a few schools and we have also bombed the place to ruble. They have less than 1 hour of electricity per day and no clean drinking water.

    Over 100,000 dead and millions displaced. All of the misery in Iraq now tracks back to our illegal invasion. ALL OF IT.

  3. J says:

    “I don’t why you think our occuption is all candies and flowers for the Iraqis. We painted a few schools and we have also bombed the place to ruble. They have less than 1 hour of electricity per day and no clean drinking water.”

    Jason –

    No dispute there.

    My problem is when you apply the following to American forces:
    “…burn my house down, kill all of my male relatives and many of my children in order to “liberate” me from his misrule.”

    That’s not us.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Would you consider Blackwater to be US Troops, J?

  5. J says:

    “Would you consider Blackwater to be US Troops, J?”

    Absolutely not!