Delaware Liberal

Things are getting dicey up in Northern Iraq….and Leon’s getting larrrrrggggerr. (airplane quote)

But before I dive into that topic did you know that our Allies are working with the Axis of Evil (boogity, boogity)  So, when do we bomb Turkey? This was tucked neatly away in the article I read this morning (before I came into work of course).

Iran, also combating Kurdish rebels on its soil, has used the situation to court an alliance with Turkey. Last month, the two countries signed a major gas line proposal, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan invited Maliki to the Turkish capital, after Erdogan’s party triumphed in the elections.

So now on to the nitty gritty.  Me thinks things are getting really ugly up in Northern Iraq, you know, that area that has commercials on CNN about what a wonderful place it is to go on vacation.  Well, well, well, apparently “happy time” (insert Borat Voice) is over in the land of freedom.

In short if I understand it correctly.  Turkey doesn’t like the PKK (bunch of stateless terrorists that want their own land to bitch about), the PKK does whatever it wants because the Kurds of Iraq let them.  They want to be free, wheeeeeeee, but the problem is the Turks don’t want them to be, Hell Iran doesn’t want the PKK to have an independent state.  So the Turks are getting pissed at US because we aren’t controlling this little band of annoying monkeys.  The government (I use the term loosely) of Iraq isn’t doing anything about them b/c they sympathize with the PKK sort of because well they are Iraqi’s and they don’t want to piss on their own blood.  Well now, Turkey is getting pissed at US and the Iraqi’s.  I dont know much, but I’ve seen a pissed off turk at a soccer match, so I can only imagine how pissed they are at the PKK. 

Turkey is essentially saying either you (US) do something or we will.  And if we (Turkey) have to, we are doing it right.  Well the problem is the surge, yes that great little thing going on in Baghdad you see is utilizing all of our troops.  Which means we don’t have the military to send to Northern Iraq and quell these band of pirates.  So Iran ain’t liking these guys too much either and they are sort of saying the same thing that Turkey am be sayin.   Quite a scenario huh?  Iran and Turkey on the same page and we are the odd ball.

In fact things have gotten so great that what used to be one of strongest allies is backing away from US.  A recent Pew public opinion survey showed only 9 percent of Turks viewed the United States favorably.  Great! Swell! 

So now we have Iran and Turkey on the same page.  The US is holding their dick in their hands because all of our troops are tied up with the wonderul surge and the only thing left is a (are you ready) a political solution.  (what? why are you laughing)  Guess what, that isn’t going to work either.  So now when Sept rolls around and we need “more time” just think about what will happen if the Turks and Iran band together to kick the PKK’s ass in Iraq….

Read the article for a less colorful, but more accurate description. 

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