Man, would Jesus be pissed..

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 7, 2007

Oh, how I love reading about things like this…The ATM in the Church Lobby

ATM-like kiosks are now available in many church corridors and lobbies, where parishioners can swipe a card and receive a printed receipt, which they can either save for the IRS or plunk into the collection basket with a flourish, so pew mates will know they’re not spiritual freeloaders.

I wonder when visa is going to have a commercial that has all the patrons swiping a wire less card reader with a priest giving a homily? We wouldn’t want a pesky cash economy to disrupt the homily… would we?

“our father who art in heaven….”

Pardon me, Father?

uh, yes

Can I get cash back please? I need to get some gas and pick up some milk on the way home and thought it would be easier to just get the money now

Sure my son and God bless you


“hollow be thy name, thy kingdom come….”


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hiding in the open

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  1. miles north says:

    I’d like to see Jesus in the lobby huffing and puffing as he tries to overturn the bolted-in ATM machine.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Organized Religion: The Original Pyramid Scheme.

    Nothing does it better!

  3. Fred says:

    Did Jesus not chase the money changers from the temple? I wonder if the churches are collecting anything on the fees being charged to remove/collect the money.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    The churches would most likely have to pay a small ‘transaction’ fee for each swipe of the card….

  5. Disbelief says:

    Actually, the IRS has cracked-down on religious donations as deductions; you now have to show proof in the form of cancelled checks, receipts, etc. I don’t know if an ATM slip from the machine in the church would qualify as proof (you could just impress everyone by taking out $100, but only slipping a $20 in the basket).

    Reminds me of the old joke:

    The IRS called Father Murphy: “Father, do you have a Mike Mulhern in your congregation?”
    Father Murphy: “Yes, yes I do.”
    IRS: “Has Mr. Mulhern attended service in the past year?”
    Father Murphy: “Yes, yes he has.”
    IRS: “And did Mr. Mulhern donate $5,000 to your church in the last year.”
    Father Murphy: “Yes, yes he will.”