This was a big week on the other side of the aisle. We thought the race for the Democratic Gubernatorial candidacy was going to be interesting. The Republicans are doing one better. I’ll not get too deep into it, but make yourself a nice drink and wear comfortable clothes when you go over to FSP to read the most frequently-commented-upon post in recent memory in the Delaware Blogosphere. You should plan on 30 minutes of reading. Personally, I am glad that I can actually put my geekiness to use, although Protack has started to talk lawyers, so don’t tell my wife.
The Protack story has garnered a lot of posts from the likes of Dana, Mike Matthews, Mat Marshall and Hube.
Tommywonk has a synopsis of the Time article about Katrina and the Army Corps of Engineers two years hence. Don’t those guys control our canal bridges???
Dana wants to make the case for Kucinich to be the progressive candidate. Oh, and Kucinich’s wife is so hot, I might just vote for him to look at her for 4 years.
Mike at DWA shows that Millsboro is a cross between Mayberry and Twin Peaks.
Kavips is sounding the mortgage rate alarm bell. Lock ’em if ya got ’em.
Nancy is talking about the latest hate crime in Delaware. This time in South Bowers Beach.
Mat at the Soapbox has a Liberal Manifesto for your perusal.
Ryan Mc has been hanging with the old people down at the beach recovering your lost wedding ring.
Sanjay at Karmic Musings has a story of how Bush treats reporters that he doesn’t like. 529 days to go…
Mike Mahaffie has a story on how the “beach area” is expanding. Soon Millsboro will qualify… God help us.
It’s a slow week for Duffy, he only has a blogging virus to talk about.
Over at FSP, Dave is also annoyed that smokers are quitting so that they don’t have to be taxed. I thought that was part of the plan… Of course, Dave still ignores the fact that Delaware is still the lowest taxed cigarettes in the area. Don’t worry, Dave, the degenerates will be streaming in here to buy cigarettes and bet on sports in no time.
Paul Smith muses about what things will be like when he is a dictator. That should be fun.
JttR has some interesting coverage of the battle brewing in the Arctic.
Kilroy is talking about unfunded mandates, specifically DART Sunday service.
Finally, Hube has a story of McDonalds being sued for putting cheese on a hamburger. The horror.
Speaking of horror, at least 69,045 Iraqis have been killed since our illegal invasion. Another 3,683 Americans have died in their service to this country. Let’s bring the rest home alive.