Poor Flipp

Filed in National by on August 11, 2007

The Joe Biden of Republicans can’t catch a break.

But that is what happens when your beloved GOP spends 25 years sucking up to religious bigots telling them how important their crazy version of Christianity is to “saving” America from homosex, porn and communism Islam.

Yep. Suck on it Flippy.

Romney’s Mormon faith, which has been a central topic of discussion here in recent days, is yet again playing a prominent role. A flyer being distributed by the U.S. Christians for Truth asks, “Would Jesus Christ vote for Mitt Romney?” It urges attendees to “join us to spread the truth about Mitt Romney and save America from his Mormon cult values.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Mike says:

    “Would Jesus Christ vote for Mitt Romney?”

    Well, not in a primary. JC would be a registered Democrat.

  2. M.Opaliski says:

    Romney won the Straw Poll in Iowa.

    Ok, you can start to belittle that now …

  3. Dave says:

    Poor Flipp.

    He just won the Iowa Straw Poll with a higher percentage of the vote than Bush, Dole or Gramm.

    You may continue being scared of Mitt now…

  4. Chris says:

    “Well, not in a primary. JC would be a registered Democrat.”

    Oh yeah! Of course! I forgot he was a big time pro-abortionist and even bigger believer in an atheistic society. Silly me….

  5. Von Cracker says:

    You want to be scared, Dave?

    Try a 40% drop in turnout compared to 2000!

    BTW – The likelihood JC would vote GOP is about the same as Dennis Hastert successfully passing through the eye of a needle. Not saying he’d vote Dem either….

  6. jason330 says:

    I have to admit that I was once worried about Flipp. He has taken care of that for me by opening his mouth.

  7. Dave says:

    The turnout drop was due to McCain and Giuliani being too scared to participate. When two of your three main draws bail, that’ll happen.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    If thinking that gets you through the night, Dave…..

  9. oedipa maas says:

    Turnout drop is usually a sign of your voter base not being particularly energized. But the current narrative is that when Frederick of Hollywood gets in, it will be instant energy for repubs. Didn’t do much to add to the coffers of the Iowa repub party tho.

    But Multiple-Choice Mitt is still working on getting his dog to vote for him.

  10. Dave says:

    Remember also that the ’99 straw poll was the first chance for GOPers to celebrate the coming end of Clinton’s term. There was considerably more energy in 1999.

    Want to cure the GOP’s energy shortfall?

    Nominate Hillary Clinton.