More and Better Democrats

Filed in National by on August 12, 2007

Darcy Burner calls Delaware Senator Tom Carper an E’ffing A-hole. (In more polite terms.)


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Rebecca says:

    Yowza! Go get em Darcy! Thanks for sharing this Jason.

  2. Tom Carper deserves all of our scorn. This DINO needs to take a daily spanking until this term in office is finally over along with his career.
    IF we keep up the buzz on what this guy is really about we should be able to circumvent some of his power over Delaware politics. He is the defacto leader of the DE DEM party. He is one disgusting sell out.

    Remember his love affair with K Street? Let’s look at the Abramoff situation and the money Tom took. Let’s study Tom’s votes on corporate welfare and the contributions he accepts. Let’s take a thorough gander at what pork projects he is refusing to admit he supports.

    I know of folks who have had to sit before him as he holds court and suffer the indignity of him telling them that they will not be supported for their run for an office.


  3. Disbelief says:

    I’ve got three words for everyone: “term limits”.