Team of investigators?

Filed in National by on August 12, 2007

Oy vey. Read Rong Williams on the Protack post.

Protack’s fingerprints

Mike Protack, the perennial Republican candidate for anything, open or not, may have seen the last of his meager support go down the tubes last week.

Sussex County Republican Chairman Dave Burris — who also runs a popular political blog, First State Politics — put together a team of investigators who determined that the source of the infamous “pink postcards” Republican state delegates have received in the past few months was Protack’s computer.

The postcards almost always viciously attacked the sitting GOP leadership, often with vile or racist descriptions. Protack was usually depicted as the savior.

Protack has unequivocally denied that he was behind the pink postcards, and blames the computer IP identification on someone sitting outside his house hacking into his wireless router network.

First of all Dave’s post does not track the postcards to Protack’s computer – even Dave will tell you that. (Way to keep up your rep for sloppy dumbass journalism Rong!)

Secondly….put together a team of investigators? Does this mean that LiberalGeek and Smitty get  Sherlock Holmes hats and a big magnifying glasses?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (30)

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  1. miles north says:

    The “investigative team” is actually a continuation of the time-honored tradition of GOP plumbers.

    One thing the Spykids haven’t established is exactly what is so wrong with the postcards. Everybody is buying the FSP assertion that the postcards are horrible. But we don’t know that. We don’t even know how many there are, or what is on most of them.

    I have seen exactly two different postcards scanned on various blogs. One of them is an angry but perfectly clean rant against Copeland. The other contains the inexcusable “Jew Boy” and lesbian slur.

    – Is that all there is to justify Burris’s charge of “spewing filth, sometimes racist, anti-Semitic?”

    And then Rong Williams also claims: “often with vile or racist descriptions. Protack was usually depicted as the savior.”

    – Does Rong know this for a fact, or is he just repeating what he read at FSP? Can Ron back up his claim of “often?”

    It is interesting that accusations of filth, racism, and anti-Semitism only emerged now, and were not mentioned as each card was received. Up until now I haven’t heard anything about filth or racism – only annoyance from GOP brass.

    – Is it possible that all the cards were clean until the last one, and none of our diligent investigators have bothered to report that fact?

    – Is the anti-Semitic slur out-of-character with the previous postcards?

    If that is so, the odds on a frame-up, while still a long shot, are definitely a lot better.

  2. I agree that this was one for the history books.
    What was Ron thinking?
    IS he just pissing off everyone because he knows he will be getting canned as soon that the WNJ finds a buyer?

  3. Disbelief says:

    Well, at least the guy is starting to acknowledge the blogs (although that’s a small consolation to Protack).

  4. Tyler Nixon says:

    Dave Burris has always been quick to point out where Ron Williams is wrong. Williams clearly got this wrong in saying that Dave tracked the pink postcards to Protack’s computer (??).

    I hope Dave steps up to correct this mis-reporting by Williams. I certainly hope this kind of mis-apprehension was not the intended effect of Dave’s and his team’s convoluted conclusions turning some IP address tracking into guilt for physically-mailed trashcards.

    I trust Dave will, once again, set Williams straight.

  5. miles north says:

    I hope Protack steps up to correct this mis-reporting by Williams.

    Maybe a correction is coming though. Williams’s article was removed from the Opinion lineup and replaced by his previous column. The “Protack’s Fingerprints” column is still online though, just no longer listed on the Opinion page.

  6. Dave says:

    Since I am under threat of legal action, I am under orders not to comment on anything surrounding Protack’s pretend lawsuit.

  7. Disbelief says:

    So, Dave, all you have to do to stop bad press is threaten to sue, and all the big, bad newspapers, radio stations, and TV goes away?

    You should tell Bush this. Awesome.

  8. Disbelief says:

    Dave, I assume you’ve already taken down the pink postcard post and the thread based on your brilliant logic above?

  9. Disbelief says:

    I’d also like to meet the person who gives ‘orders’ to Dave “I am a mighty frog in this pond called Sussex.”

  10. miles north says:

    There didn’t need to be any orders. All they had to do is say out loud: “Will no one rid me of this troublesome candidate?”

  11. Dave says:

    Dis — Aren’t you an expert on internet lawsuits?

  12. Disbelief says:

    So which GOP leader is the Shakespearean paraphraser who gives marching orders to Dave?

  13. Disbelief says:


    I think “internet lawsuits” is a vague and poorly phrased term of art attempting to give modern flavor to the concept of libel, i.e., printed, false statements which cause damage to a third party, unless the libel is such that it can be termed “per se”, in which case damages need not be proved.

    Basically, if you say something damaging about someone else, but what you say is true and you can prove it, you’ve got nothing to worry about except legal fees.

  14. Dave says:

    My orders come from all the attorneys who are lining up to represent us for free.

  15. Disbelief says:

    Attorneys offering to represent you for free? No strings? Free and clear?

    Uh, I will love you forever if you can pass on the names of these public spirited, noble litigators.

    Its not Hilary, is it?

  16. kilroy Was Here says:

    “Everybody is buying the FSP assertion that the postcards are horrible. But we don’t know that. We don’t even know how many there are, or what is on most of them.”

    I am losing count ! I think there was 5 total and they are horrible over the top. Bringing the Jew factor in on Levin really pissed me off.

    I am hoping that this will all end (no more postcards) an we get doen to this issues that impact the people / voters /those who we need to serve and not blame the party for the cards we were dealt.

    Lawsuit serve no one and moving forward focusing on the issues with political digs at the opposing parties and cadidates is par for the political jungle.

    As fo me I will be united with the GOP coming out of the covention and ask all other to join in. I am far from the poster child for the GOP but Republican I am.

    Mike Protack knows the real issues and needs to focus on them. 30% of the Republican vote plus 30% of the disenfranchised democrats = 60% of the vote + win!

    Put this in your archives; I will support all GOP candidates coming out of the state convention. It’s up to the candidate themselves to earn that vote through honesty, integrity and focusing on the issues no bashing the GOP that offends every delegate and involved party person.

    The postcards went too far and I can’t blame Dave for lashing out as we all have reached the boiling point. Believe it or not they actually drew more party member closing as they attacked all of us. So the wagons are circles around the camp fire.

    It very unfortunate that is has gotten so personal and played out in the public. I know Mike and his characteristic and don’t think he actually wrote or sent the postcard but “may” know who has. If they are any support of his please stop because your game has backfired.

    Mike I know you are reading this so if your mission is to be an elected official go for it and good luck.. You been put through the wringer and hung out to dry. However, it will be nothing compared to the criticism you’ll face and an elected official. Hell of a boot camp but if you come through victorious it was for the better.

    Folks I am not endorsing Mike just trying to being a realist, as I said, I am will the delegates choice come next Spring and if it’s Mike so be it and if not I hope Mike will join me .

  17. miles north says:

    The original Sock Puppet post was clearly constructed to skate around libel law.

    But this is politics and PR, not law. To damage Protack as a candidate, it is not necessary to prove anything. All you have to do is create the impression Protack was behind the postcards.

    And, judging by Ron Williams’s reaction – Mission Accomplished!

    I wonder if Al Mascitti got it right.

    The funny thing though – the usual way you destroy a candidate is by alienating his supporters. But the joke is on the GOP, because Protack doesn’t have any supporters. So in the absence of proof of any wrongdoing, Protack can continue to file for candidacies as long as he likes.

  18. Disbelief says:


    You do not succeed in trying to “skate around” libel law if your communication clearly creates the impression that the target of the libel was truly your target.

    Ron Williams’ column can be used as proof of Dave’s intention to create the impression that Protack wrote the pink postcards.

    To give a hypothetical analogy: “I’ve never seen John Doe abuse children, but I’ve never heard him object to the practise.” This statement does not accuse John Doe of pederasty. However, it is clearly constructed to give that impression. It is libel if printed, slander if spoken.

    If Protack, through the legal system or otherwise, can get Dave to issue a retraction or apology on the pink post cards, Protack will get one hell of a lot of political mileage out of it.

  19. Liberalgeek says:

    I think I am owed a cool Sherlock hat.

  20. Disbelief says:

    Buy a large dog and name it Scooby Doo.

  21. miles north says:

    Speaking of Sherlock Holmes, the charges of filth and racism are “the dog that didn’t bark.” That dog sure was quiet for a long time. Wonder why?

  22. But this is politics and PR, not law. To damage Protack as a candidate, it is not necessary to prove anything. All you have to do is create the impression Protack was behind the postcards.

    And, judging by Ron Williams’s reaction – Mission Accomplished!

    this is exactly why Burris should act to show down the false impression left after wRong Williams, eh Dave?

  23. Dave says:

    Lawyer’s orders: No Comment.

  24. miles north says:

    all the attorneys who are lining up to represent us for free.


    Some day, and that day may never come, they will call upon you to do a service for them.

  25. Dave says:

    “Some day, and that day may never come, they will call upon you to do a service for them.”

    I hear the Godfather music in the background…

  26. jason330 says:

    That’s why I never accept free legal advice or trips to Mexico.

  27. Disbelief says:

    Yeah, but can Priscilla put a whole orange in her mouth without having a heart attack?

  28. I just got a rather disturbing email from DE GOPer operative Tom Ross as a subscriber to his general mailing list circulation. He cites the Williams article and links to the Burris post as follows

    “For the past few months, I’ve had several of you calling, e-mailing, and asking my opinion about some rather disturbing and destructive post cards that have been sent anonymously to Republicans throughout the state as well as similarly worded postings on various blogs dealing with Delaware politics.

    It would appear that those post cards and postings have now made their way into the mainstream media, as noted in this excerpt from Ron Williams’ column this weekend:”

    I responded:
    Hi Tom
    when I read through this email I was struck by the fact that you made this statement of concern:
    “I think it’s important for everyone to see the original material and decide for themselves”
    but never posted the pink post card content.

    Many of us feel that Ron Williams mistakenly interpreted the Burris blog post as proof that the Protack email messages and intertubes blog postings sent from his own IP address equates to his authorship of the infamous pink postcards. They do not IMHO.

    I then offered the link to this DE Liberal post.

    Tom finished his email with this:

    I hope that as we move forward as a party, we will be able to get past such
    tactics and engage in real discussions about the issues that matter to the
    people of Delaware.

  29. Disbelief says:

    Uh oh. Looks like Ron brought in a backhoe to fill up Protack’s political grave.

  30. miles north says:

    Strine jumps into the libel boat with Williams and the Spykids… but will that ship sail? Strine: “I’ve always thought good brother Protack was responsible for these vitriolic comments but it was never proven. Until now.”