The truth puts on its shoes

Filed in National by on August 13, 2007

The Tommywonk take down of Paul Smith’s BS post about recycling “myths” highlights a big differecne between the liberal and the conservative blogosphere.

Hint: It is like the difference between actual thought and simply reciting things that you’ve heard.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Hube says:

    It is like the difference between actual thought and simply reciting things that you’ve heard.

    Says the guy who basically reposts everything from other sites. And with good reason: We can actually UNDERSTAND IT rather than trying to decipher your own drivel.

  2. jason330 says:

    That hurts because my top priority this summer was to make my drivel 20% more decipherable.

    I guess I’ll have to redouble my efforts.

  3. tommywonk says:

    What makes Pauls reposting of the “recycling myths” piece is that a lot of people are predisposed to believe that recycling, while a nice idea for reducing landfill accumulation, isn’t worth the cost.

    Those who hold to the conventional wisdom expect environmentalists to wilt as soon as the rigors of hard-headed economics are brought to bear on the issue. The conventional wisdom just happens to be wrong in this case.

  4. Dave says:

    If the truth puts on its shoes, isn’t that a coverup?

  5. tommywonk says:

    I’m reminded of the old saying, “If a man wears shoes, the whole world is covered with leather.”