The surge is working! The surge is working!

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 17, 2007

Iraqi women: Prostituting ourselves to feed our children

“At this point there is a population of women who have to sell their bodies in order to keep their children alive,” says Yanar Mohammed, head and founder of the Organization for Women’s Freedom in Iraq. “It’s a taboo that no one is speaking about.”

You see back in the day under Saddam, these women would have never been able to sell themselves to feed their children.


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  1. No seriously, the surge is working « DelawareLiberal.Net | August 20, 2007
  1. Chris says:

    “You see back in the day under Saddam, these women would have never been able to sell themselves to feed their children.”

    No, Saddam’s boys would have just raped them for nothing. If they were really good, they may have even gotten to live to see their kids again.

  2. jason330 says:

    At this point it is impossible to claim that Iraqis are better off now than they were under Saddam.

  3. Chris says:

    I believe I just did.

  4. jason330 says:

    It is impossible for any sane person to claim that Iraqis are better off now than they were inder Saddam.

  5. Chris says:

    “It is impossible for any sane person to claim that Iraqis are better off now than they were under Saddam.”

    And equally as insane to say they are not (don’t you love paradoxes). The issue lies in making blanket statements across the country. There is a huge segment of the population that lives in areas virtually untouched by terrorist and Iranian funded insurgents. Their infrastructure is relatively unscathed and they are enjoying the tastes of post-Saddam freedom. For those in the areas (like Baghdad) that are the scenes of the most vicious gutless attacks by terrorists (both foreign and domestic), life in the short-term is not better off. It was been tough to repair infrastructure (powe, etc., with a war still raging). But when control of the terrorists is finally acheieved (and even the Brookings Institute thinks it is possible
    the Iraqis will be INFINITELY better off than they were under Saddam. I am sure when we were battling back the Nazis from France, France was NOT better off than when Hitler controlled it, but they sure as hell were much better off once we ran the Nazis out of there.

  6. Disbelief says:

    You are surrounded by people who will kill you and your whole family if you tell the US forces on them. If you tell the Iraqi police forces, the informants within will get you killed. If the US forces are attacked from your home or village, your home will be reduced to dust.

    The people who just want to live in peace are fucked.

  7. jason330 says:

    The people who just want to live in peace are fucked.

    …but they will be INFINITELY better off than they were under Saddam when we drive out the evil and rainbows shoot out of Bush’s ass while candies and cakes fall from the sky like rain.