Live blogging Liberalgeek and Hube on WILM

Filed in National by on August 18, 2007

I’m coming in late. Here we go…

Dace: Hube, your team is falling apart – why?

Hube: It’s Delawareliberal’s fault. (Good one Hube!! ) No, it is trending blue and Bush dragging it down. The Iraq war.

Dace: Failed foreign policy – it is a 20 year demise – your best guess is you don’t know.

Liberalgeek: Also a population has grown – and we see young professional families in many of the rural areas are turning Democratic… (Yikes!! Dace is going to kill him..)

Dace: Demographics say we are getting older…Markel report…etc… (I knew it)

Liberalgeek: We are getting less rural.

Dace: (provides the last word)You both get an F. The minute that R’s left reaganonics – lower taxes less government the more you diluted the tax small government message the more you fail.

Hube: The Reagan revolution has been betrayed.

Liberalgeek is going to get to alk about Iraq summer…(break)

And we’re back…Mike Protack is on the line from Boston…. (Oh crap this is boring….. same old same old) “Random events tied together…I had nothing to do with the postcards” blah blah blah…

Dace had that call in set up (a Protack man?). ….And we are out of time.

Dang it – I only heard a bit – but Liberalgeek sounded great but first time nerves (I know the feeling). Hube was great. Overall I give you guys an “A” Way to represent Delaware blogging guys.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    Gracias. It was a bit nerve-wracking but fun. Does Protack have a team of radio listeners letting him know when someone mentions his name? I am reminded of the last Harry Potter book. Voldemort had put a curse on people that said his name and sent his goons to rough them up. Hmmm. I wonder if I can track quotes from Harry Potter to some of Protack’s posts. 🙂

    Best line of the day comes from my Dad:

    “You did great. That guy that they had on the right sounded pretty moderate, though.”

    I love it. I may refer to Hube as “The Moderate” from now on.

  2. Chris says:

    ““You did great. That guy that they had on the right sounded pretty moderate, though.””

    In other words “right wing” is really “main stream”. I think we have learned something here.

  3. Dave says:

    Ahhh. Rookies.

    Remember when, Jase?

  4. liberalgeek says:

    In Hube’s defense, what could he say? The R’s have done poorly in DE in registration and the way the question was posed, all he could say was that things were looking bad. Hube didn’t really get a chance to get on the wingnut train today.

    Did you listen, Chris? Or just guessing what it sounded like? I know that you can’t really develop opinions on your own, so it will be OK if you wait until some Republican shill interprets it.

  5. jason330 says:

    Those were the days….The fastest 30 minutes in Delaware politics…

    Listening to Geek and Hube reminded me that we all need to sit down and do a youtube based political round table TV show that will have Celia Cohen and Ron Williams gnashing their teeth and renting their garments on dispair.

    I have a video camera and my uncle has a barn we could use as a soundsatge….who’s in?

  6. jason330 says:

    ..In despair…

  7. Hube says:

    Hey all, I’m finally back from my old friends’ get-together from where I actually called in to WILM …

    First, thanks to Jase for the kudos. My buddies who were listening out on the patio gave me grief for sounding indecisive and too accommodating. I agree perhaps w/the latter, not the former.

    Second, I think Geek sounded just fine. He didn’t sound nervous to me and he has a good radio voice. I think we both got into too much minutiae regarding Protack, and Dace let it be known. Still , if he wants a big local story about local politics, this was the one from the past week, was it not?

    I thought Protack had called in; I think it was kinda … weird that the station actually called him. I was anxious to tear into Geek about the Iraq War protest thing and only targeting Repubs! Alas …

    Jase: I think your YouTube idea is a good one! Count me in if you’re serious. 🙂