Delaware Liberal

Mike Castle vs. the DCCC

As I stated this morning, this Castle race needs to be nationalized for any challenger to have a chance against Castle’s millions.

Well it looks like the DCCC is set to become a major playing in Delaware Politics with a $20 million advantage over the Republican Congressional Committee.

MyDD has the breakdown of the current numbers, but the bottom line is Democrats have about $18 million after debts, and the GOP is over $2 million in the red — a roughly $20 million advantage.

With Castle near the top of the target list you don’t have to be James Carville to know that a decent chunk of that money is headed to Delaware as soon as the DCCC gets to a level of comfort with our candidate. [This is where it would help to have Tom Carper supporting the Democrat, but you have to play the cards you are dealt.]

If the DCCC steps up, it could set off a chain reaction that could nationalize this election and not only put a lot on money into a challengers campaign fun – but also put an army of activists on that challengers team.

It is in no way a sure thing, but Castle’s $1.6 on hand just started looking a little puny to me.
On a related note: While this Al Franken youtube message deals with Norm Coleman – it makes sense for people who want to get rid of Bush’s rubber stamp here in Delaware, Mike Castle.


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