Mike Castle vs. the DCCC

Filed in National by on August 21, 2007

As I stated this morning, this Castle race needs to be nationalized for any challenger to have a chance against Castle’s millions.

Well it looks like the DCCC is set to become a major playing in Delaware Politics with a $20 million advantage over the Republican Congressional Committee.

MyDD has the breakdown of the current numbers, but the bottom line is Democrats have about $18 million after debts, and the GOP is over $2 million in the red — a roughly $20 million advantage.

With Castle near the top of the target list you don’t have to be James Carville to know that a decent chunk of that money is headed to Delaware as soon as the DCCC gets to a level of comfort with our candidate. [This is where it would help to have Tom Carper supporting the Democrat, but you have to play the cards you are dealt.]

If the DCCC steps up, it could set off a chain reaction that could nationalize this election and not only put a lot on money into a challengers campaign fun – but also put an army of activists on that challengers team.

It is in no way a sure thing, but Castle’s $1.6 on hand just started looking a little puny to me.
On a related note: While this Al Franken youtube message deals with Norm Coleman – it makes sense for people who want to get rid of Bush’s rubber stamp here in Delaware, Mike Castle.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (20)

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  1. hey, this may be a good motivation to get DEMs out on Tuesday the 28th on Rodney Square after work…help suck some of that DNC surplus into Delaware by making a good showing against Castle on Take A Stand Day.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Given Dana’s reaction and Jason’s excitement, I wrote a diary at Daily Kos about the possibility of a Bullock candidacy. I will attend Take a Stand Day to see Bullock in action. He will also have to answer some questions about the issues before he will have my vote or support.

    I always welcome former Republicans who have seen the light into the fold of the Democratic Party. To sin is to be a Republican, but sins can be forgiven. I just want to find out more about his stands on the issues other than the Iraq War before I jump on this bandwagon.

  3. Chris says:

    “To sin is to be a Republican, but sins can be forgiven. ”

    Well there goes Delaware Dem’s Dem Card..don’t you know the word sin comes from evil mindless religion?!?! Mixing that and politics…thought that was a big no no.

  4. jason330 says:

    Thanks for visiting Dem. I’m with you. I need to see if any challenger has the goods befor I go “all in.” But I have to tell you I’m getting psyched.

    BTW, How was Chicago?

  5. Delaware Dem says:


    I am a Catholic and a religious man. Religions by themselves are not evil or mindless and I have never said. You will retract that lest you appear a fool.

    Indeed, one of the main reasons I am a Democrat is because I am religious. Caring for the poor, the elderly, the sick, seeking social justice, finding compassion, allowing forgiveness and acting for the common good are all values instilled in my by my religion and my parents, and the only political party in the United States that represents those values is the Democratic Party.

    So the mixing of religion and politics is going to happen. What is the big no-no is the mixing of government and religion. Crafting government policy to benefit one religion over another or other the nonbelievers. Acting like only your party and your President represent religion, while all others are evil heathens or traitors. That is what is wrong about the Republican Party today.

  6. Delaware Dem says:


    Chicago was fantastic. From talking with Markos and other wonderful bloggers from all over the country to meeting and talking personally with both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and a host of other great netroots candidates.

    I am putting together a proposal to bring Netroots Nation 2008 to Philadelphia, and indeed Philadelphia is the likely choice for next year’s convention. So I will expect you all there.

    I am taking more of an interest in the local scense because of Yearly Kos, so you will be seeing more of me, and I will be given Delaware some more national attention on Daily Kos.

  7. jason330 says:


    Chris is a troll here and a very low quality troll at that.

    Given the important work you do at kos (the diary was an excellent rundown of the current situation) I would not spend an additonal second thinking about or responding to anything he says.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Trolls are the reason we need a scoop platform group site in the local Delaware blogosphere. I can talk to ct (the main IT guy over at Daily Kos) and kidoakland about that.

  9. jason330 says:


    I better raise my game.

  10. Dave says:

    Please note for the record that Jason used “important work” and “kos” in the same sentence.

  11. jason330 says:

    Chickenhawk FSP…how’s it going?

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    Noted for the record. When you righties get all of your pygmy presidential candidates to attend your reich-o-sphere convention, then we’ll talk.

  13. I would not spend an additonal second thinking about or responding to anything he says.

    ‘Do not feed the trolls’ is a great moto
    but I’ll give Prissy a few additional seconds once in a while.

  14. Dave says:

    We don’t have a convention. We don’t feel the need to circle jerk and slap each other on the back.

    But I’m glad you have yours. It helps us show the rest of the world where your presidential candidates really stand.

    Keep up the good work!

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Nah, Dave, you have talk radio to fluff your nutters.

  16. anon says:

    We don’t have a convention.

    You don’t?


  17. Chris says:

    “I am a Catholic and a religious man.”

    Must be hell reconciling the Pro-Abrotion sect of the Dems with your religious beliefs.

    “Religions by themselves are not evil or mindless and I have never said. You will retract that lest you appear a fool.”

    Maybe you have never said it, but it gets said time and time again on this site. Reference below recent post for a small example.


    “and acting for the common good are all values instilled in my by my religion and my parents, and the only political party in the United States that represents those values is the Democratic Party.”

    I beg to differ. There is a difference between talking the talk, which Democrats do to gain power, and walking the walk. The majority of “compassionate” people I know are religious based and definitely fall in the Republican camp. Because they understand that the best thing you can do to help someone is provide them opportunities to succeed. You know the old saying “Give a man a fish and he eats for the day, teach him to fish and eats for a lifetime”

    Democrats hand the poor a fish and promise they will drop one off every now and then, provided they vote Dem. Conservatives provide the opportunity for the person to fish, to make something of themselves. In that lies true dignity.

    Part and parcel to that is letting people keep more of their own money as well. The high taxes provide a disincentive to many to work hard. Why be successful? The more successful you are the more the government punishes you. Heck, liberals flat out despise you should you be successful.

    As for my being a “troll” around here. I wear that with a badge of honor. Hang around here long enough and you will see that “troll” is code word for “correct”.

  18. Von Cracker says:

    Chris, is the sky in your world Green?

    Everyone knows that “Compassionate Conservatism” is nothing more than a marketing farce. It’s like putting a ribbon on a turd and calling it a “gift”. It’s nothing more than a made up term to trick people into believing in something that’s not real….kinda like “Rapture” (a 20th century invention to sell books, btw)

    And troll means troll, especially for you 🙂

  19. Von Cracker says:

    And one more thing, Dems/Libs/Prgressives (or whatever) don’t need to “resolve” the abortion issue, since we are not single-issue retards, like many on the right appear to be. To be a responsible citizen-voter, we realize and understand that politics and governance are slightly more nuanced than that.

    But we can play your game. Since the GOP is all about christianity, how do you justify all of the innocent dead in Iraq? Isn’t that an affront to the teachings of Jesus?

  20. Chris says:

    “Dems/Libs/Prgressives (or whatever) don’t need to “resolve” the abortion issue, since we are not single-issue retards, like many on the right appear to be. To be a responsible citizen-voter, we realize and understand that politics and governance are slightly more nuanced than that.”

    Nuanced? Hmmm. How do you propose nuancing abortion. You are either killing unborn children or not. Some issues cannot be nuanced. Which becomes the inherent flaw in liberalism.

    “But we can play your game. Since the GOP is all about christianity, how do you justify all of the innocent dead in Iraq? Isn’t that an affront to the teachings of Jesus?”

    Innocent death certainly is, but it becomes a question of intent. We did not go in there with the intent of killing innocent people. In fact, we took great pains, even at the cost of American lives, to limit the number of innocents killed or wounded. With the exception of a few accidents and a few rogue soldiers, we have been successful. The majority of “innocent” deaths are not being caused by our hand but rather those of our enemy. But it should not surprise we that you confuse to you since in your mind 9/11 was our doing too.