Hey look, the economy is doin GREAT!!

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 22, 2007

You see in the new economy this is an opportunity

Technically, it is these 1600 people’s fault they had jobs at this place. They should have known better than to work here. So honestly, I blame them for working at a place that had to lay them off.  Totally irresponsible. 

They will just have to pick themselves up by their boot straps and pound the pavement for another job. Serves them right.

More tax breaks to keep this economic machine running!


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hiding in the open

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  1. J says:

    “They should have known better than to work here. So honestly, I blame them for working at a place that had to lay them off. Totally irresponsible. ”

    The writing has been on the wall for this industry for months if not the last year. They were making money hand over fist for two to three years and it IS there fault if they didn’t plan accordingly.

    There are better arguments (examples) than this for your point, I’d get another one fast.

    No sympathy here.

  2. donviti says:

    yep, and you will be the first person to piss and moan when these people could have sat home and collected Welfare checks and food stamps.

    you don’t get both J. You assume there are other choices for these people. So you blame the victim.


  3. Chris says:

    “You assume there are other choices for these people.”

    And you assume there isn’t. Last time I checked, we lived in America. There is NOTHING preventing these people from getting a job in this or any other industry. It may not be the one they want (espeically if they LOVE the sub-prime market) but it can be a job to hold them over until they find one they like better.

    If I were laid off tomorrow, I already have a list of a dozen places my resumé would float too. If that fails, I also have a couple of different career paths I could ready myself for in short order. If THAT fails, then I will flip burgers at McD during the day and stock shelves at Wal-Mart at night. There is no shame in any of those jobs, providing you are doing your best.

    If these folks were already in the sub-prime game, then education should not be a barrier to any job. But then of coure, if they are self-sufficient, they may be less inclined to vote Dem. So I see your point.

  4. donviti says:

    Get back on track little boy.

    Not sure how McD’s relate to this post, but I’m sure in your mind you made another cogent point.

    I’m not even sure how someone chosing to work at McD’s v. Accredited makes sense.

    So someone should have known that they were going to get fired and should have chosen to work at McD’s? Walmart?

  5. Hube says:

    don: Do you really not get Chris’ point? It’s pretty simple and straightforward. If you’re serious, you really ARE as thick as I originally thought.

  6. donviti says:

    I get the point hube.

    these guys aren’t victims? they are just a product of their own doing? They should have seen the light at the end of the tunnel and gotten out and found another job? They could have chosen another career? They could have moved?

    because finding another job is just as easy as snapping your fingers. It’s just so easy to blame people, blame the victim. But that is what conservatives do, blame the victim.

  7. Chris says:

    Dude. You totally do not get it. I didn’t say these people should have seen this coming and gotten out. I am saying now that it happened they are hardly without options.

    “because finding another job is just as easy as snapping your fingers.”

    It is. Again, getting the one you want may not be a snap of the fingers, but getting a job is. Of course, if you do, you forfeit your unemployment compensation. So it is just better to stay home and sulk.

  8. donviti says:

    No it isn’t chrissy. You are dead wrong.

    But I’m glad to know that the community theater business thrives and has such a demand it makes you believe that.

    My daughter is going to cab this year for drama and she will be happy to know there is plenty of demand for out of work actors.

  9. Chris says:

    “No it isn’t chrissy. You are dead wrong.”

    Based on what? Your say so? Monster.com as 1,899 jobs listed just in the state of Delaware TODAY. Look through the want ads of the WNJ or Newark Post or whatever other papers this state has. Look at all the help wanted signs in the stores you pass. There are jobs EVERYWHERE. They may not pay what you want them to pay or be what you want them to be, but unless you are carrying a nasty criminal record (or a nasty attitude), they are yours for the taking.

  10. donviti says:

    you got me, what was I thinking

  11. J says:

    “yep, and you will be the first person to piss and moan when these people could have sat home and collected Welfare checks and food stamps.”

    I have three family members who just got laid off in the last month.

    When they get rid of their Range Rovers and stop going to the Caribbean every other week I’ll feel bad.

    Until then, I am not going to feel bad when I offered them jobs in the past and they told me they couldn’t live off $40k to $50k a year (25, 27 and 31 years of age…all single) they were too good for that.

    Like I said, No sympathy here.

    None of them will be collecting Welfare checks believe me, they’re just pissed they couldn’t put a deposit down on a beach house in Dewey next year.

  12. donviti says:

    Your point has nothing to do with the statement you highlighted.

  13. J says:

    I feel better anyway getting it off my chest. 🙂

  14. donviti says:

    glad we are here to help.

  15. Dave says:

    It’s funny how Donviti likes to insult people in every response, but fails to make a coherent counterargument.

  16. donviti says:

    it’s part of my schtick. is your mind like a pretzel yet, moustache man?

  17. donviti says:

    it’s funny how you spend more time over here than at your own blog.

  18. Dave says:

    Once again, I haven’t had a mustache for years.

    I spend time here for the entertainment value alone.