You see democracy is what we say it is!

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 22, 2007

A White House manual that came to light recently gives presidential advance staffers extensive instructions in the art of “deterring potential protestors” from President Bush’s public appearances around the country.
Any anti-Bush demonstrators who manage to get in anyway should be shouted down by “rally squads” stationed in strategic locations. And if that does not work, they should be thrown out.
But that does not mean the White House is against dissent — just so long as the president does not see it.


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hiding in the open

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  1. Disbelief says:

    He also turned a blind eye to his daughters’ behaviors: drug addiction and unwed preganancy. How’s the blinders workin’ for ya’, Skipper?

  2. Chris says:

    “unwed preganancy.”

    I thought you guys were interested in fact. So you take one crackpot bloggers suggestion and let it race through the blogoshere like wild fire.

    Try this link:

    It has a photo array showing that she has looked like that since 2004. Damn long pregnancy…

  3. Von Cracker says:

    I read this yesterday!

    It’s nice though that these Authoritarian Losers are getting their asses sued now…

    Just shows how much confidence they have (which would be “not a lot”) in their own platforms, theories of governance, and how their narrow values play with mainstream America.

    Personally, I think they are all scared, little pussies who can’t think fast on their feet, so they have to control the message, image, and anything else that may not go according to script. Yeah, that’s what I look for in a leader – someone who’s afraid to face their constituents!