Alan Levin = (Expletive) and/or Wimp

Filed in National by on August 23, 2007

Honestly. Can you imagine what a girlie-looking sissy this guy is? He might as well wear a dress. He is such a spineless blob of ersatz womanhood that he he is holding back his announcement to see if the Democratic primary between Markell and Carney gets messy.

So says Queen of all Bloggers Celia Cohen, so it must be true.

” The sense in political circles is that Levin will run, that every day Lt. Gov. John C. Carney Jr. and Treasurer Jack A. Markell draw closer to a Democratic primary for governor is a day that brings Levin closer to the race.”

Still on the fence….What a punk-ass twit. If he had half a nut (or any real convictions about being an agent of change), he’d say “Hell yeah I’m running!”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (35)

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  1. Dave says:

    Jason = Frightened.

  2. jason330 says:

    That made me laugh.

  3. Dave says:

    No. I didn’t say Jason=Frightland.

    I said Jason is SCARED.

    Dude, I’ve known you too long. This is the way you always act when you realize that a Republican candidate is a real threat.

  4. miles north says:

    Levin is way less of a threat now that Markell’s stock just went up today.

  5. jason330 says:

    Miles –

    You are speaking about the very fair and balanced – utterly statistically rock solid and valid DelawareLibleral poll right?

  6. miles north says:

    No, I meant to speculate that the DPC thing will hurt Carney more than Markell. Levin can’t be Happy about that.

    But thanks for reminding me about the poll; I’ll go vote again.

  7. miles north says:

    Levin can’t be Happy about that.

    …unless of course Carney survives the primary, then Levin will be very Happy to run against him using the DPC story.

  8. Dave says:

    Markell dropped the ball on DPC. His stock went down today. He’s spoken out on power rates, wind, gay rights and today on SCHIP. But nothing on the outrage that’s going on in DHSS.

    He’s never spoken out against the Governor. Why start now?

  9. Dave,

    And you’ve never spoken out against the president on matters tangible. Note I qualified that sentence by including the word “tangible.”

  10. miles north says:


    In the Dem primary, whoever has less DPC stink will benefit, possibly enough to win.

    Your best hope is that a weakened Carney survives the primary.

    If it’s Jack vs. Levin in the general, you have your work cut out for you to put some DPC stink on Jack.

    Oh wait, you just started.

  11. Dave says:


    And you’ve never spoken out against the president on matters tangible. Note I qualified that sentence by including the word “tangible.””

    I’m not running for Governor as a “change agent.”

  12. Dave says:

    “If it’s Jack vs. Levin in the general, you have your work cut out for you to put some DPC stink on Jack.

    Oh wait, you just started.”

    My intent is not to assign DPC blame to Markell. He is not responsible for what goes on there.

    My intent is to show a pattern of enabling through silence. And it’s hard to argue against that point.

  13. No, the only “change agent” I know of was Jan Ting. Good job he did.

    As far as enabling through silence, you’ve got to be FUCKING kidding me, right? Right?!?!? Show some balls, man, and come out for some of the biggest sins this country has seen committed against it by George Bush. Do it…I dare you!

    I’ve already demanded Jack Markell address this issue. You’re a partisan…plain and simple…just like Jack. You should realize this could cause tremendous rifts between he and the party. In time, I’m sure he’ll come out because he’ll realize the political value it could hold.

    As a partisan, you don’t have the luxury of coming out strongly against this awful Bush administration for fear of losing your influence within your own warped Southern-Conservative wing of your downstate sect.

  14. Dave says:

    Huh? I’ve made it clear where I stand on Bush.

    Tax cuts. Good.
    Judges. Good.
    Economy. Good.
    No terror attack in 6 years. Good.
    Spending. Bad.
    War. Bad.
    NCLB & Part D. Bad.
    Immigration. Bad.
    Liberty erosion. Bad.

    Worst President ever? No.
    Could’ve been a lot better? Yup.

  15. miles north says:

    Liberty erosion. Bad.

    Scooter Libby’s liberty is NOT what we are talking about here.

  16. jason330 says:

    Spending. Bad.
    War. Bad.
    NCLB & Part D. Bad.
    Immigration. Bad.
    Liberty erosion. Bad.

    Voting for him TWICE. Terrible.

  17. anon says:

    a spineless blob of ersatz womanhood

    oh dear.

  18. Dave says:

    I’d still cast all three votes again: McCain over Bush; Bush over Gore and Bush over Kerry.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    The economy’s weak, Dave – running on war spending and massive amounts of debt to China does not equal good! Stagnant wages over the past few years (and not seen since prior to WWII) are not good, Dave. Increasing poverty & foreclosure rates = not good too!

    Terrorism point is a red-herring, Dave. With that line of thinking, Clinton was more effective since it was over 7 years without a foreign-based terrorist attack (notice that the right-wing, conservative terrorists, Tim McVeigh & Eric Rudolph, are not included).

    Are you ready to concede your terrorism point, Dave?

    Judges are a subjective assessment, but in regard to personal liberties, they’re not good, and now some of the conservative members are now getting into “conscience” arbitration. Case in point: Gonzales v. Carhart (partial birth abortion case), and this from Justice Kennedy: “some women come to regret their choice to abort the infant life they once created and sustained”. I mean, WTF?!?!

    Are we going to expect this kind of arm-chair psycho-analysis from our SCOTUS from now on as legitimate reasoning to overturn precedent? Please! What a joke!

  20. Dave says:

    “The economy’s weak”


    “Are you ready to concede your terrorism point, Dave?”


    “this from Justice Kennedy: “some women come to regret their choice to abort the infant life they once created and sustained”. I mean, WTF?!?!”

    1. Never thought of Kennedy as a right-wing wacko.

    2. Are you saying that’s not a true statement?

  21. Von Cracker says:

    It’s inconsequential as it pertains to jurisprudence, Dave.

  22. Von Cracker says:

    …and I’ll take your sarcasm (about the economy) as concession, since apparently you got nothing.

  23. Dave says:

    And then there’s the damn deficit that keeps falling without tax hikes. We can’t have that. At this rate, there will be a surplus in 2010, even with the war spending and Part D.

    What are we going to do?!!!!!

  24. Dave says:

    Oh, and real income isn’t stagnant. They’re up for the third straight year (2005), and are expected to rise with the 06 and 07 data.

    Since the dotcom bubble burst and 9/11 happened, incomes have been rising.

  25. jason330 says:

    I’d still cast all three votes again: McCain over Bush; Bush over Gore and Bush over Kerry.

    You might as well wear a sign around your neck that says “I am a party hack and an idiot.”

  26. Chris says:

    “With that line of thinking, Clinton was more effective since it was over 7 years without a foreign-based terrorist attack”

    Of course we will overlook the numerous terrorist attacks on American interests under Clinton like several U.S. Embassies, Khobar towers, and USS. Cole. Those American lives apparently don’t count.

  27. Chris says:

    “You might as well wear a sign around your neck that says “I am a party hack and an idiot.”

    Hey Jace, maybe you can lend him yours….

  28. Von Cracker says:

    Chrissy, Dave was referring to attacks on American soil and so was I. With that said, STFU, wack-a-mole…..

    And, Dave, it’s the segments and percentages of Americans with stagnant incomes that are worrisome. Most of the increases in salary are attributed to incomes greater than 100k, so yes, on a macro scale, incomes have risen, but a vast majority of us are not seeing those increases (but that majority will see some increase due to the Dem wage increase initiative).

    Kinda like when everyone was saying over the past couple years that “the economy is good because the rate of homebuyers is increasing”. Well, looking into numbers, hidden away, was the fact that 6 in 10 of these homebuyers purchased a 2nd home. What did that tell us? Only that some of us are doing ok, but the rich are getting wealthier….

  29. Dave says:

    Von Cracker I – “Stagnant wages over the past few years (and not seen since prior to WWII) are not good, Dave.”

    Von Cracker II – “it’s the segments and percentages of Americans with stagnant incomes that are worrisome.”

    So we’re getting there a little at a time. Maybe later we can get around to “Okay, Dave, I was wrong.”

    I won’t hold my breath.

  30. Von Cracker says:

    Eat IT, Dave.

    And as it pertains to Eson matters, Bonddad is Gospel….

  31. Von Cracker says:

    Lo siento…Eson, Econ. Ugh!

  32. Dave says:

    I’m sure if you pick some different dates, you can make it look however you want. But since 2002, real wages are up. It’s that simple.

  33. Dave says:

    And quoting someone whose piece begins with “the right wing noise machine” won’t get you far in the credibility department.

  34. Chris says:

    “(but that majority will see some increase due to the Dem wage increase initiative”

    Which will quickly evaporate under the “Dem tax increase initiative”.

    And I will stand by and wait for you to pretend to argue that Dems won’t raise taxes.

  35. Chris says:

    “Chrissy, Dave was referring to attacks on American soil and so was I. With that said, STFU, wack-a-mole…..”

    That is VC code for “damn, your right, and I don’t want to look like a bigger fool than I already am!”

    Foreign on domestic doesn’t matter. Terrorist attacks on CIVILIAN Americans happened under his watch.

    And in case you haven’t grasped why I said CIVILIAN. It is because I can already forsee your argument that terrorist attacks are continuing all the time (against American soldiers). While just as terrible, they are unfortunately expected in Iraq since part of it is still a war zone. However, terrorist attacks on civilian Americans (outside of Iraq and Afghanistan) have been virtually nil. Hey…maybe taking the fight to them wasn’t such a bad idea after all….