If you are at all curious

Filed in National by on August 28, 2007

How it goes down in a bathroom Get some great pointers from one of nation’s finest elected officials

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hiding in the open

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  1. Hube says:

    I like this “defense”:

    Craig stated “that he has a wide stance when going to the bathroom and that his foot may have touched mine,” the report states.

    He was “supposed” to be in a seated position according to the undercover cop’s report. Who has a “stance” when they’re supposedly taking a crap??

  2. donviti says:

    think about this too

    he entered the stall to the left of the officer and it was his left hand that came under the stall….

  3. miles north says:

    Anybody read “The New Centurions” by Joseph Wambaugh? It describes a vice cop in early 1960s L.A.; memorable scenes of “busting fruits” in public bathrooms. If I recall correctly, 0ne indelible scene involves unwanted solicitation of the guy in the next stall… solicitee was very straight, very annoyed, and happened to be holding a lit cigar…

  4. David says:

    I’m only bi-curious when I’m hanging around with self-righteous Republicans.

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    I just adore these stories. The irony is never lost on me. If he was gay, or bi, it would basically be liberals who would treat him like a human being rather than a “sinner” or subversive or deviant. Basically not act in a judgmental way based on an innate orientation.

    Typical hypocrite…

  6. miles north says:

    If he simply came out normally, I think liberals would treat him equally with respect and acceptance whether he was D or R.

    But he didn’t come out normally. He was 1)married, 2) an anti-gay legislator, and 3)busted in a criminal/sleazy act.

    By the same token, I think liberals would heap equal mockery on a married Dem or Republican caught in an illegal adulterous heterosexual public sex act.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Blumpkins for all my friends!

  8. Disbelief says:

    You guys have it all wrong. Craig did not say “suck your dick?”, he said, “my duck is sick.” Damn you all for heaping trouble on a man going through the emotional turmoil of having a sick duck.

    Well wishes can contact Craig while he sucks co…, er, I mean, darns socks.

  9. miles north says:

    No, he asked “May I cook your sock?”

  10. jason330 says:

    Miles: 1

    Dorian: nil

  11. Dorian Gray says:

    How am I down 1 nil? I agree with Miles. He doesn’t seem to disagree with me. I think the Congressman is a hypocrite specifically and he made a general comment that I think is true.

    Did you mean Disbelief?

  12. jason330 says:


    I need to lay off the diacetylmorphine.

  13. Dorian Gray says:

    No problem – just checking.

  14. Von Cracker says:

    “Don’t talk about drugs around the man! … unless you got some.”

    Come on! Name the Movie….

  15. oedipa maas says:

    And just to pile on: CBS station in Sacramento actually does a re-enactment

    Oy. This actually counts as part of somebody’s workday.