wooohoooo It is all Bills fault!!!

Filed in National by on August 28, 2007

15.8 percent of Americans lacked coverage last year, up from 15.3 percent in 2005, according to new figures from the Current Population Survey. That tied 1998 as the year with the highest percentage of uninsured people over the last two decades.

Children fared even worse. Last year 11.7 percent of youngsters under 18 years lacked health insurance, up from 10.9 percent in 2005. The percentage of uninsured children has increased two years in a row after declining for at least five years, according to the Census data

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hiding in the open

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  1. Kilroy Was Here says:

    “The nation’s poverty rate declined for the first time this decade,”

    I don’t buy this !
    Maybe they factor out all the illegals