Delaware Liberal

Wasn’t the war in Iraq

supposed to suck in the terrorists and kill them all over there and not over here in our own country?

Over the past six weeks the Taliban have driven government forces out of roughly half of a strategic area in southern Afghanistan that American and NATO officials declared a success story last fall in their campaign to clear out insurgents and make way for development programs, Afghan officials

So if I understand the way the Bush Administration set things up, this would be a failure of our foreign policy no?

In other War News: The Brits say “F*ck This BS!!”

The pullout came as two of Britain’s most influential generals during the Iraq war delivered scathing attacks on the Americans for their handling of the campaign after Saddam’s defeat. Major-General Tim Cross, who supervised reconstruction projects alongside his American counterparts in 2003, joined General Sir Mike Jackson [see Meteor Blades’ post], former head of the Army, in criticising the US for ignoring British advice. General Cross, a Royal Engineer, is retired but he was a hugely respected figure in the Army and had unrivalled experience in dealing with postwar nation-building. He revealed that he gave advice to Donald Rumsfeld, the former US Defence Secretary, about the size of the force needed to tackle the challenges after Saddam’s downfall, but was ignored.

According to Dr. Jim Soles, (a perfectly objective and not at all biased source) this will have no impact on Mike Castle WHAT-SO-EVER. “So stop asking me!” added the very respected and totally objective Dr. Soles.

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