Can you guess what these Poor states all have in common?

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 4, 2007

Maryland knocked New Jersey out of the top spot this year, while Mississippi and West Virginia were the poorest states in the Union.Maryland is now the wealthiest state in the union, as measured by median household income, according to the latest stats from the Census Bureau.Delaware, down 2.9 percent, took the biggest dip, [in income growth for the nation] Top 10 wealthiest statesHere’s where the median household income is highest

State Income
Maryland $65,144
New Jersey $64,470
Connecticut $63,422
Hawaii $61,160
Massachusetts $59,963
New Hampshire $59,683
Alaska $59,393
California $56,645
Virginia $56,277
Minnesota $54,023

Source: U.S. Census BureauThe 10 poorest statesThe states with the lowest median household income

State Income
Montana $40,627
Tennessee $40,315
Kentucky $39,372
Louisiana $39,337
Alabama $38,783
Oklahoma $38,770
Arkansas $36,599
West Virginia $35,059
Mississippi $34,473

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

h/t to Von Cracker for this special guest post.ย 


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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    gap toothed red-necks…?

  2. donviti says:

    ohhh, very warm,

  3. miles north says:

    An oldie but goodie:

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    They all voted against their interests and for Republicans, who have kept them all poor.

    Now, now, Miles and Jason. Remember the words of Papa Joe Biden: Delaware is part the south. So when you say f*ck the south, you are saying f*ck me.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    YEEEEEE-HAAAA!!! Jester’s dead!

    Vee haaave a Vinner!

    Choose Regression! Choose Republican!

  6. G Rex says:

    I still don’t get it. New Orleans (poor) has a Dem governor, but Alaska’s (wealthy) is a Republican. Let’s see, the Democrats are the party of the poor and down trodden masses and the GOP is the party of the rich, so…nope, no bumper sticker slogan seems to apply.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    The point is that Louisiana votes for Republican Presidents, as does Alaska. The trend you see among all the poorest states is that they all voted Republican for president. The trend is not really inverse, for the wealthy states split their votes among the Democrats (MD, NJ, HI, CT, MA, MN, NH, CA) and the Republicans (AK, VA).

  8. donviti says:

    we have such bright readers….

    why is it the poor states are the red states?

  9. Well, look at the bottom 10. Chances are most of the voters in those states are using their Bibles to tell them who to vote for. Or Pat Robertson.

  10. G Rex says:

    Wow, this is as relevant as the correlation of whether the American League or the National League wins the World Series with Dem vs. GOP White House victories.

  11. G Rex says:

    Where’s my copy of Wikinomics…

  12. jason330 says:

    Get your hands on copy of Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America while you are at it.

  13. Hube says:

    Those states have historically been among the poorest. Their party affiliation has only recently changed. So, what accounted for their poverty back when they were a solid Dem. voting bloc, hmm?

    Quick — think hard to make yet another non-substantive “analysis.”

  14. donviti says:

    you can tell when school is back in session, you can just taste the ascerbicness in Hubes comments.

  15. Hube says:

    School is indeed back in session. Here’s the dimwitty grammar lesson of the day: There’s no word “ascerbicness.” The correct term would be “acerbity.” Also, “Hubes” needs an apostrophe.

    Is it too much to expect a little knowledge of English when people blog? Just a little??

  16. donviti says:

    I rest my case

  17. G Rex says:

    Hube, don’t be so appendantic.

  18. miles north says:

    Also, โ€œHubesโ€ needs an apostrophe.

    No, “Hubes” needs a high colonic.

  19. Hube says:

    This blog needs a modicum of intellect.

  20. Von Cracker says:

    Talk about being “Left Behind”! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    And Hube, stop being a Grammar-nista!

    See, I know how to hyphenise!

  21. G Rex says:

    Appendantic didn’t get a laugh? Either I’m slipping or it went over your heads. I’d better reorientate my humor setting.

    Jase, I have Democracy in America; I keep it right next to Slouching Towards Gomorrah.

  22. G Rex says:

    Left Behind. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You kill me, Cracker!

  23. Al Mascitti says:

    Wouldn’t the more important point be about Minner’s FUBAR economy? No state slipped as much as Delaware.

  24. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, but does Minner control GM and MBNA? Granted, she gets the credit and/or blame for the economy as any chief executive does.

    But is Levin the answer? Given his past history, he would probably sell Delaware back to Pennsylvania.

  25. Could it be the reason some of the poorer states are starting to trend Republican is that they are tired of being poor? 100 years of the Democrats is enough. Given enough time, they will ruin the wealthy states experimenting with them.

    It is odd you don’t notice that 7 of ten wealthy states have republican governors or did in the last 4 years. HI, MD, MA, CT, AK, MN, CA, and VA has GOP legislature and Gov. NH had a solidly GOP legislature for 100 plus years until last fall. NJ was a swing state in local/state races. Do you notice a trend?

    The poorer states are traditionally Democrat.

  26. Von Cracker says:

    Yes, Mr Anderson, they were Dem states – back in 1950 when the all wished they still had ‘free’ labor and Strom Thurmond was a young Dixiecrat ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I think it said more to the totality of culture and opportunity over a significant period of time (at least 20 yrs), than which party had the governorship over the last 4 years….

    …pretty shortsighted, me thinks, on your part, Mr. Anderson.

  27. oedipa maas says:

    Mr. Anderson also does not have his facts in order, either:

    HI, MD, MA, CT, AK, MN, CA, and VA has GOP legislature

    Hawaii has a repub Governor, but both houses of the legislature are solidly Democratic.

    Maryland had a single term repub Governor ( a real one off in this very blue state) and still has both houses of the legislature solidly Democratic.

    CT has a repub Governor (and one in jail) and still has both houses of the legislature solidly Democratic.

    MN has a repub gov and the DFL is the majority in both houses. The DFL did lose its majority in the House for a few terms, but is solidly back in the majority after 2006 elections.

    CA has a repub gov who acts like a Democrat much to chagrin of the local wingnuts. Both houses of the legislature are Democratic.

    Massachusetts had a repub Governor (Multiple Choice Mitt!) but it current one is a Democrat and still has both houses of the legislature solidly Democratic.

    VA does have repub legislature, but its Governor has been Democratic for two cycles.