“John Daniello Needs to Shut Up.” – Del Dem

Filed in National by on September 4, 2007

I would only add one thing to what Del Dem says in this post.

As Delaware trends more blue the Democratic primary is going to become more and more important. This year’s Governor and Lt. Gov. races are just the begining of what will be a long series of races that are settled in the Democratic primary.

What Daniello needs to do is stop fretting about primaries and work to make the process as transparent as possible. Voters will the see Al Levin type hot house flowers picked by the Republican star chamber matched up against a rough and ready Democrats and it could be a generation or two befor we see another Republican Governor.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. Don’t worry we have the same type of power brokers in the GOP who fret about the people getting involved except to do their bidding.

    There is a point to be made that our primary should be in July. It would be helpful to have more than a 6 or 7 week general election. Not only would this be good for the parties to heal, it would be better for the people to ascertain their choices.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I would agree with that David. The primary should be earlier. And if that is what drives the powerbrokers’ (whether Dem or GOP) fear of primaries (that there is insufficient time between September and November to shift gears from the primary to the general election), then it is an easily fixed problem.

  3. They fear losing power. The legit point is the timing.

  4. giggle….hot house flower
    a funny
    not so funny is the theme that several bloggers have taken to dub Castle as frail and doddering, I just don’t think it serves us well to mislead here. AS far as I can determine he had a stroke from which he fully recovered.
    Let’s beat him on the issues. Health is a consideration insomuchas he is likely to have another incident.

  5. Rebecca says:

    Moving the primaries to July or even earlier makes great sense. Except the people who have to vote on this, the Delaware House and Senate, don’t want to risk having to give up their summer at the beach if they get primaried. Another Sheesh moment.

  6. anon says:

    Dear Jack Markell,

    If elected would you push the legislature to move the primary election dates back to June or July ?

    – anon

  7. It would help to have the state wide primary in April/May and any convention in February/March.

    The local Reps and Senate can stay in the fall if needed.

    The legislature does most of its work in June.

  8. oedipa maas says:

    Maryland General Assembly does its work (including the budget) in 90 days each year. By law.

    What do DE legislators do that needs 6 months to accomplish?