Shocking news

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 6, 2007

Bush’s Patriot Act Unconstitutional

But hey, what does some liberal, commie, homo-loving, america hating judge know about the constitution.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Hube says:

    I see. It’s “Bush’s” because he declared the Patriot Act an executive order, right? Huh? What’s that? He didn’t? It passed Congress? Hmm…

    IOW, “dimwitty” is back!!

  2. donviti says:

    must have missed Bush vetoing it….or putting in one of his signing statements.

  3. jason330 says:

    Hube your Bush love is really getting unseemly.

    Nobody, and certianly nobody who professes to be a libertarian, denies the fact that the patriot act is the handiwork of George Bush.

  4. I was about to say the same thing, Jason. While all the Sens. and Reps. who voted yes for this abomination of a bill should have all been voted out, this was definitely the brainchild of the Bush Administration. The…whole…freaking…bill. It was Bush’s Baby.

  5. Hube says:

    You chumps are so pathetic. You just can decide if Bush is moron … or a genius. Somehow he just duped all the Dems. into going along with the PA.

    You’re also pathetic in not grasping how civil liberties were barely scathed by the PA, whines about libertarianism notwithstanding. In times of war virtually nothing was changed. Now, go compare that to what happened under FDR. Or Lincoln. Or Wilson.

    And for you to lecture me on “unseemly,” Jason, must then make you some sort of serial stalker the way you obsess over Castle.

  6. donviti says:

    no offense pube, but I’m going to go with the Judge on this one. My assumption is he knows a tad more than you do. Sort of like the judge that knew a tad more than Chrissy on the scooter libby trial.

    Of course, I assume I’m wrong about your constitutionial record in court. Let me know the next case you try up in District court regarding civil liberties, I’ll take the day off to watch you in action. I’m sure this judge should be there too to learn a thing or 2.

    oh, and I decide Bush is a moron. so there!

    1 point Donviti.

  7. Hube,

    We all know why they voted for it. They were afraid of being deemed, well, “Unpatriotic.” They voted for it at the last minute and most didn’t even read the damn thing. My disagreement with the contents of this piece of Bush-legislation don’t mean I likewise condone the actions of FDR, Lincoln, or Wilson during their respective wars. In fact, I’ve said it many times: I think if we systematically go back through history we could find something impeachable on every single president. I think getting rid of elected officials more often is a good way of keeping the political process refreshed and accountable to the people.

  8. Hube says:

    Mike: I didn’t mean to include you in my “pathetic chumps” comment above. You are quite a sane voice in this cesspool of partisan insanity. Your last comment is a good one, but it does sort of make my initial point.

    no offense pube, but I’m going to go with the Judge on this one. My assumption is he knows a tad more than you do

    Hmm, did you “go with” the various judges who’ve agreed with Bush on various WoT (bumper sticker) measures? But that’s besides the point — I wasn’t addressing his decision anyway. What I DID address was you calling it “Bush’s” Patriot Act. The fact of the matter — as Mike M. aptly notes — is that the PA had overwhelmingly strong BIPARTISAN support. This judge’s decision “implicates” them just as much.

  9. Chris says:

    “The risk of investing the FBI with unchecked discretion to restrict such speech is that government agents, based on their own self-certification, may limit speech that does not pose a significant threat to national security or other compelling government interest,” Marrero said.”

    Well there you have it. From now on we need to send registered letters to every terrorist suspect letting them know we are monitoring them.Why stop there. Lets make sure their rights are truly protected. Lets get them to CONSENT to us recording their communications.

    I believe this judge has taken quite a leap in stating that preventing telcos from telling people they are being investigated, to restricting free political speech. When the FBI starts hauling in everyday americans just because they are against the way, then we can revisit PA. Until then, lets at least give ourselves a CHANCE of stopping terrorist attacks.

    Besides, judges are not infallible. There are even some that think murdering babies is perfectly LEGAL! Besides, how many judges have looked at this before and found it Constitutional. One out of a bunch has a problem with it and you deem it so. I guess they others weren’t REAL judges.

  10. Disbelief says:

    This Chris guy has seriously gone off the edge.

    Jason, are you really Chris posting about judges murdering babies in order to generate controversy on the blog? I’m starting to wonder, because there can’t be an actual person as stupid and shallow as Chris.

  11. donviti says:


    he is real, unfortunately.

  12. donviti says:


    have issue with me calling it Bush’s PA all you want. It is his, it was written by his congress, his admini, his lawyers.

    ergo, his.

    deal with it. how gay a point to argue on a post anyway. the thing was ruled unconstitutional and you comment about me calling it a Bush PA when the real point is its’ constitutionality regardless of who supported it.