Delaware Liberal

Tracking Poll Thursday Results Thread: Dave Falls Just Short

Remember that this is a TRACKING poll – so the point is to see what happens to these numbers over time.

If the election was being held today, who would you vote for to Represent Delaware in the US House?

The D’s
Christopher Bullock 31% (13 votes)*
Karen Hartley Nagel 12% (5 votes)
Jerry Northington 5% (2 votes)

The R’s
Michael Castle 19% (8 votes)
Dave Burris 14% (6 votes)
Christine O’Donnell 5% (2 votes)

Other 14% (6 votes: Matt Denn 2, Kilroy 2, and John Carney keeps hope alive…Markell 2)

*NOTE RE BULLOCK: Celia (very begrudgingly) admits Bullock could give Castle some problems.

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