You say OPEC, but I say APEC…

Filed in National by on September 7, 2007

You say Austria, and I say Australia

Austria, Australia

…let’s call the whole thing off.

But oooooh – if we call the whole thing off then we must part,

and ooooh, if we ever part, that would break my heart…

I just cant imagine why Mike Castle continues to support George Bush. I simply can’t.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. David says:

    But he does tears.

  2. jason330 says:

    Hey David. I like your blog.

    I listened to Whores Vs. Technology but I have to admit that I’m more a “high lonesome” fan when it comes to blue grass.

  3. Hube says:

    It helps to make a point about Bush’s bad speech if you get it right yourself, dope. “Austrailia” indeed!


  4. jason330 says:

    Sorry Hube, My prooofreader has beeen daployed to IRaq.

  5. Hube says:

    Here’s a clue: Refrain from busting on others’ bad speech. As Yoda would say, “The personification of it you are.”

  6. jason330 says:
