If you disagree with Mike Castle you are not a true Delawarean

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007

Delaware Dem has a good response to Dave Burris and Mike Castle who think that anyone who thinks Castle should break with George Bush is an “outsider.”

Castle said the anti-war group targeting him over the summer included young, paid “outsiders” with political backgrounds. His constituents, he said, have been more “balanced in their approach.”

Mr. Burris and Mr. Castle, I am a Delawarean. Dana Garrett is a Delawarean. Nancy Willing is a Delawarean. Christopher Bullock is a Delawarean. The vast majority of those who took part in protests at your home and at Rodney Square are Delawareans. We are not outsiders.

Further, we are your constituents. You are our Representative. You exist to serve us. Just because we are not your political supporters, and just because we did not vote for you, does not mean we are not your constituents. It would seem that Mike Castle now suffers from Karl Rovia, wherein he governs only for those who vote for him.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. Dave says:

    Iraq Summer does not happen without MoveOn.org. They came in. They organized it. Plain and simple.

    Sally’s Pacem In Terris roadside vigils upstate and Patricia Kirby-Gibler’s roadside vigils in Lewes? Different story.

    Besides, if all the AAEI could get was 300 people, why should Castle change positions at all? Hell, I had 300 people on the HB 4 petition in three days.

    “Further, we are your constituents. You are our Representative. You exist to serve us. Just because we are not your political supporters, and just because we did not vote for you, does not mean we are not your constituents. It would seem that Mike Castle now suffers from Karl Rovia, wherein he governs only for those who vote for him.”

    This is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen in weeks. He opposes constituents on every issue. On stem cells, he had passionate constituents on both sides of the issue. On NCLB. On Iraq. You can’t please everyone, and especially not a handful of people ginned up by MoveOn.org.

    Get over yourself.

  2. jason330 says:

    Dave, Dave, Dave…don’t tell me you are drinking the “stay the course” kool-aid too now.

    I always held you up as a somewhat smarter than average wingnut.

  3. Dave says:

    All of this has nothing to do with anyone’s position on the war.

  4. jason330 says:


  5. It’s Flavor-Aid, bitch!

  6. Dana Garrett says:

    “The vast majority of those who took part in protests at your home and at Rodney Square are Delawareans. We are not outsiders.”

    Well said.