UPDATED: My morning call to Mike Castle’s office

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007

More Evidence that Castle is Running Scared: Have you ever heard of the DE GOP leaking it’s internal polling for the expressed purposes or propping up Mike Castle? Me neither.


Having fired Elizabeth Wenk, for what one can only assume was gross incompetence, Mike Castle has installed a new mouthpiece named Kate Dickens. I called her this morning to introduce myself. (She was not in – SHOCKING!! The receptionist would not give me her email address – REALLY SHOCKING!! (It is kate.dickens@mail.house.gov by the way.))

Anyway, I also had a question.

“Reading this in today’s News Journal,

“One of my goals is to be able to begin to bring our troops home, but I believe we have to do it in a way that maintains security,”

..I was wondering if that caveat meant the Congressman favored bringing the troops home in 50 years, 100 years, or 150 years?”

I am patiently waiting for a response.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. Hube says:

    And the stalking continues …

  2. jason330 says:

    As long as we are still in Iraq, I will be angry about it.

    As long as the News Journal passes off his dithering as action I will be calling him.

  3. donviti says:

    nothing like an empty answer to your constituents.

  4. Dave says:

    “More Evidence that Castle is Running Scared: Have you ever heard of the DE GOP leaking it’s internal polling for the purposes or proping up Mike Castle? Me niether.”

    I just couldn’t keep it in. It brought me too much joy. I had to do it. I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity to rub MoveOn’s face in it.

    Plus, it’s not a DEGOP poll. Or a Castle poll.

    Nice try, though. Back to crying in your Wheaties.

  5. Dave says:

    OH, and thanks for the link. The more people see those numbers, the more they’ll realize that Castle’s a mortal lock for reelection.

  6. jason330 says:

    Where is the link?

    It sounds like a Dave Burris “pulled from his ass” poll.

  7. jason330 says:

    Crying in my wheaties…

    When Castle votes for yet another blank check there will be mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters all over the country crying – but I’m beyond crying. I’m angry.

  8. Arthur Downs says:

    Mike Castle sees set to be Representative for life. With his family ties and business ling, the State GOP is is playground. Yet the opposition will manage to come up with a nominee who will make even the most conservative Republican hold his or her nose on election day.

    The last election had his former law associate as his major opponent. This was the bonehead lawyer who suggested that the answer to high-priced malpractice insurance was a non-profit company. I suppose a member of the ambulance-chasing community does not know that most malpractice insurance companies are mutual companies owned by the policyholders.

    Nutty Berg drew off some of the mooonbat vote so Castle had even clearer sailing.

  9. anon says:

    Someone leaked the whole poll to me. Here is the question as asked.

    5. As you may know Congressman Mike Castle has recently been calling for both Republicans and Democrats to put partisanship aside and come to a consensus on removing our troops from Iraq.

    Would you say that you are

    a) aware of Mike Castle’s efforts and have a favorable opinion of them
    b) aware of Mike Castle’s efforts and have an unfavorable opinion of them
    c) aware of Mike Castle’s efforts and have no opinion of them
    d) not aware of Mike Castle’s efforts

  10. jason330 says:

    That was from me. See how easy it is to pull real sounding BS out of ones ass?

  11. When did Mike complain in all of those many Pre-Abramoff-getting-caught years that no Dem on the hill was consulted, invited, etc…..for anything???????????

  12. kavips says:

    Dave, what were you saying about those Castle poll numbers? I didn’t quite catch that……..

  13. kavips says:

    Castle is so beatable. As long as he sticks to Bush, we can keep him under 40%. Guaranteed.

    ” Hey Mom, look!! It’s that “I love Bush” guy.

  14. kavips says:

    Cardboard man, Cardboard man,
    Tellin’you a story ’bout a cardboard man.
    Can’t stand up cause he gets blown down.
    Cardboard man hidin’ somewhere around town.

    Ask him a question, he can’t say no.
    He can’t say yes, his eyes just glow.
    Cardboard man has a smiley face.
    He grins at you but he can’t taste.

    He can’t shoot and he can’t sing.
    Cardboard man can’t do anything.
    Been standing tall for quite a few years,
    Hasn’t done nothing to earn his cheers.

    Cardboard man, Cardboard man,
    He got no soul, that cardboard man.
    He’ll take your kid, he’ll take you dough.
    And stuff it all down some deep dark hole.

    Cardboard man, Cardboard man,
    Tellin’ a story ’bout a cardboard man.
    Can’t stand up cause he gets blown down.
    Cardboard man hidin’ somewhere ’round town.

    Sung in the style of Doc Watson

    Man, he is so losin’…….