Delaware Liberal

UPDATED: My morning call to Mike Castle’s office

More Evidence that Castle is Running Scared: Have you ever heard of the DE GOP leaking it’s internal polling for the expressed purposes or propping up Mike Castle? Me neither.


Having fired Elizabeth Wenk, for what one can only assume was gross incompetence, Mike Castle has installed a new mouthpiece named Kate Dickens. I called her this morning to introduce myself. (She was not in – SHOCKING!! The receptionist would not give me her email address – REALLY SHOCKING!! (It is by the way.))

Anyway, I also had a question.

“Reading this in today’s News Journal,

“One of my goals is to be able to begin to bring our troops home, but I believe we have to do it in a way that maintains security,”

..I was wondering if that caveat meant the Congressman favored bringing the troops home in 50 years, 100 years, or 150 years?”

I am patiently waiting for a response.

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