Simply the best Markell vs. Carney reporting so far

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007

Of course it is Tom.

Link to tommywonk

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. tommywonk says:

    Thank you. Delaware Dem offers some similar observations:

  2. tommywonk says:

    Allan Loudell, who was evidently impressed by Jason’s endorsement, has invited me on WDEL (1150 AM) today at 5:23 to discuss the governor’s race.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    I listened on the way home from work. Well done. As for the sports analogy for Markell: It is a marathon, not a sprint.

  4. tommywonk says:

    Thanks. I realized as I was on the air that I don’t know what Jack Markell did in high school besides meet his future wife.

  5. jason330 says:

    Tom nice work. One quibble, you gave Carney’s strategy (the inside game) much more air that the best statewide voter getter’s strategy.