Just watch this crap

Filed in National by on September 11, 2007


No safer.

What’s the point then?

Oh yeah, I remember 9/11…9/11…9/11… Flag…Flag…Flag…”these colors don’t run!” and the USA is number ONE!!!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (7)

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  1. Jason,

    I have avoided the other posts because they sunk pretty fast into personal attacks but let me offer a quick point.

    I do not think the War in Iraq was justified without the existence of WMD’s and yes that part of the premise to go to war was an intelligence disaster of epic proportions.

    We defeated an Army, toppled a dictator and also lost our way after that was done.

    However, the General is correct when he says it his job to “execute the mission” which he has been given. Political leaders are the ones who determine what the mission will be and unless the Generals have the weight of their conscience to disagree and resign they are pledged to carry out their mission.

    I look forward to your response. I did read in a military forum of Army officers that many company(0-1 to 0-3) and field grade oficers (0-4 to 0-6) were upset that the average Private had to bear more responsibility for losing a rifle than some of our leaders have for running a war in a substandard fashion.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Mr. Protack,

    I will address two points.

    First, I would agree that military generals’ job is to execute the mission they are given. The point of Jason’s post is, if we are not safer, and if we are not going to be safer due to the surge, or due to our continued presence in Iraq, then what is the point? Why are our sons and daughters dying then? For nothing?

    The fact is there is no mission but to save George Bush the embarrassment of admitting he was wrong. The mission now is to simply run out the clock until January 2009. For there is no victory to be had in Iraq.

    Second, military generals retain their credibility as “just soldiers who execute orders” when they just report facts, rather than spin facts to fit the political stance of the political leaders.

    Now, I am not going to say Gen. Petraeus is a liar. He is just doing his best to spin the situation to the advantage of his commander in chief. Unfortunately, that is not his job. He is not a political appointee, and if he is acting like one, than he must resign his commission.

    he problem with with Gen. Petraeus is that

  3. jason330 says:

    Well that makes sense except it sets up a circle of non-accountability.

    Bush and Castle say, “we’ll listen to the generals”

    The generals say, “We execute the mission we are given”

    and on and on.

    Mike –

    I know you are constrained here, but I’ll bet you have a lot in common with those officers you mentioned.

  4. Dana Garrett says:

    It’s an open secret that the overwhelming number of generals and strategic planners in the Pentagon & CIA believe the war has been a colossal blunder and has only imperiled the USA more in the long term. They also believe correctly that the war is unwinnable short of committing war crimes and mass murder in Iraq on an unspeakable scale.

    Citing someone else, Mascitti once said on WDEL that if there were a military coup in the USA today, the subsequent government would actually be more moderate than the war-mongering extremists in the Bush administration. That’s a measure of how of how ridiculously fanatical the Bush administration is.

  5. Jason,

    I am never constrained to say what it is true as I know it. I am also open to your or anyone’s thoughts to correct me. My wife has been doing that for 28 years.

    The circle of non responsibility/accountability is closed at the polls for political people. I would hope Commissioned Officers of every rank would display obedience to their mission unless they decide they can’t in good faith comply with their orders. Then they should resign as a matter of principle.

    In my job as an Airline Captain I am held responsible for everything that happens on every flight I command. There is no circle of non accountability and I want politicians in office who believe and support that concept.

    Last thing on politicians, the Senate voted 89-0 for Patraeus. Don’t prove your point with your talk, show me how you voted.

  6. Joe Lieberass says ‘so what no WMD get over it’
    we need to save Iraq from Iran now, STAT

  7. Disbelief says:

    The picture in the post looks like, “Nothing up my sleave except an incredibly high paid no show job with Halliburton after I turn in my pretty ribbons.”