Well I’ve been banned at FSP

Filed in National by on September 11, 2007

They can’t take the truth.

for the record here is my response to Frank’s bullshit post on 9/11


Frank your post is nothing but hollow rhetoric. You are using today to hide your guilt for allowing what came next.

Yes. guilt. We are all guilty and you know it.

So, sorry bub – no hiding behind the 9/11 tragedy.
Not today.
Never again.

If you want to serve “freedom” raise your daughter to know that we were wrong to attack Iraq.

It is the most basic moral teaching.

Two wrongs do not equal a right.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (20)

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  1. Dave says:

    Nobody gets banned at FSP, unless they threaten to sue me.

  2. Disbelief says:

    A big guy was wronged. He went out to set things straight. Unfortunately, he walked into a bar that had nothing to do with his wrong, and kicked the shit out of a bunch of people, and caused serious property damage to the bar itself.

    Because of the incredible damage done by this justifiably angry guy to third parties innocent of causing the wrong, he has been given legal advice to NOT apologize. By apologizing the angry guy must accept full responsibility he was wrong. He still is justified about being angry, its just that he took it out on the wrong people.

    What will it take to make the angry guy admit he screwed up? Whenever his error is mentioned, the angry guy claims he was wronged. And he was. Unfortunately, his original insult was not solved, and many innocents were hurt by his mistaken beliefs. While he was certainly justified in being angry, his subsequent actions were not justified.

    The final conclusion is that he cannot admit guilt without becoming the same or worse than the person who originally hurt him. And since the angry guy is a politician, he will avoid blame and accountability to his dying day.

  3. donviti says:

    they don’t ban people…they just turn off their comments when they don’t want people to attack their ridiculous attempts to memorialize innocent victims.


  4. Dave says:

    DV, you see pathetic in the mirror every morning, so you know it well.

    I will not have you rodents defiling this day on my site. Period.

    You have a problem? You know where to find me.

  5. jason330 says:

    I will not have you rodents defiling this day on my site. Period.


    This special day given over for conservatives to wrap themselves in the distopian glory of the 9/11 attacks and use those attacks to claim some reflected measure of humanity.

    Sometimes you sicken me Dave.

  6. Disbelief says:

    “You have a problem? You know where to find me.”

    What is this macho “I’ll kick your ass” stuff? Seems to follow the DE GOP, i.e., Atkins to wife, Atkins to babysitter.

    Or is it a Sussex County thing to thump your chest with your knuckles when not dragging them on the ground?

  7. Dave says:

    We were remembering the dead without tying 9/11 to Iraq, and since you apparently didn’t have enough fun maliciously slandering your state and your country over here, you had to bring that bullshit over to FSP.

    Well I’m not having it. Keep your wacked out ultra-moonbattery over here. This day is not for justifying war, nor is it (or any day for that matter) for calling every Delawarean a criminal.

    Sick doesn’t even begin to describe what you two have done today.

  8. Dave says:

    So I’m a knuckle-dragger, Dis?

    You pick the time, the place and the topic for the debate. I’ll clean the floor with you.

  9. Disbelief says:

    Dave, are you related to Atkins? Would if help your testosterone if I told you I was a woman?

  10. J says:

    He said debate. Who cares if you’re a woman.

  11. Dave says:

    Dis — Would it help if I told you I know who you are?

  12. Disbelief says:

    Then why the violent imagery of “cleaning the floor with me”? Is this repressed hostility toward women or everyone in general?

    Dave, a lot of people have guessed; they’re wrong.

  13. Dave says:

    They don’t have the proof I do. (And it has nothing to do with IP addresses.)

  14. Dave says:

    And “cleaning the floor” is a figure of speech.

  15. Disbelief says:

    So is “Kiss my rosy red ass, you Mayberry Machiavelli”.

  16. Dave says:

    That’s one of the more colorful admissions of defeat I’ve come across in my life.

  17. Disbelief says:

    I think “colorful defeat” more aptly describes the 2000 Governor race or the 2006 AG race.

  18. Dave says:

    So you get personal from behind an alias?

    Your character is a perfect fit for this site.

    Your neighbors must love you.

  19. Bill Clinton says:

    “So is “Kiss my rosy red ass, you Mayberry Machiavelli”.”


  20. donviti says:

    what better way for a Republican to remember 9/11 than to turn off his comments so he doesn’t have to hear anyone else.
