Bank of America (the people’s bank)

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 12, 2007

Here is the latest from that great institution that took over for that other great institution that in hindsight, was a pretty great institution for the community (in comparison) 

They now charge employees $15 a month to use their own gym.

And in breaking news:

The CEO for BofA will earn 1.5 million a year in salary and has exercised $77 million in stocks for 2007.

there you have it. 


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hiding in the open

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  1. Remember MBNA winning best work environment year after year with their gyms and nurseries –

    b..b..bu..but they went broke!!!

  2. liberalgeek says:

    All those BofA employees can get them back by not exercizing, getting fat and raising the healthcare costs for everyone! Bwuhahaha!

  3. kavips says:

    They didn’t go broke. They sold at a profit. A good one if I remember correctly.

    speaking of conspiracy theories…….isn’t it interesting that the one executive who didn’t want to sell, was the only one not on the helicopter lifting off that heliport….