Calling Mike Castle: Voter Sentiment Unchanged

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007
Three new surveys released immediately prior to the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and the progress reports of Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker show that the country’s political environment remains essentially unchanged – bad news for the White House and congressional Republicans. Most important to the current moment, attitudes on Iraq are unmoved and voters indicate little receptivity to reports of progress from Petraeus and the Bush administration.

Democracy Corps Poll (PDF)
Mike Castle is squarely on the wrong side of the timetable for withdrawal:

ABC News reports that 55% of Americans favor a timetable or deadline. CBS reports that number is 64% based on their polls and Gallup puts the percent of Americans who favor a timetable at 60%.

“No timetables” has been the one thing that Mike Castle has been unequivocal about. Knowing how he operates, I expect the equivocation to commence immediately.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. Ryan S. says:

    I’ve made comments today and yesterday that haven’t shown up…am I banned or spammed?

  2. donviti says:

    looks like you were spammed

  3. jason330 says:

    I’ll look into it Ryan – you were not banned, that’s for sure.

  4. Jason, do you really think there can be an abrupt with draw? Furthermore, I can’t believe the disrespect you have for
    Congressman Mike Castle direct descendant of Benjamin Franklin.

    Let’s pretend for a moment that Bush and Castle were out of office. Wait strike that, forget about the national politics and focus on local politics, Is true that you would support a third term for Minner?

    Hey, what do you think Carney and Markell finally saying something on the disgraceful action of DSEA that they knew of in advance? Pitiful that thy echo Minner , I form a Committee.” Dam, she formed a committee and overruled them.

    Is it true you voted for Ronald Regan?

  5. jason330 says:

    there can be an abrupt with draw?

    yes. Let’s call it “Shock and Awe Part II”

    RE: DSEA see comments at Kilroy’s Delaware.

  6. Disbelief says:

    I’ve tried abrupt withdrawals. She got pregnant anyway.

  7. Arthur Downs says:

    Delaware politics seems to be venality blended with apathy and inbreeding.

    New Castle County has a County Government that is a halfway house that precedes prison. With the right judges, one can beat the rap.

    Powerful people come in all styles. Killer Capano came from the arrogant side and should never have beaten the needle. Perhaps the man should be placed in the General Population with some of the folks he helped convict.

    The Freebery caper ended with a whimper and a travesty. Was that $2.3 million a loan, a gift, or a bribe? The source of the money was from member of the first family of the state and her intial contact with ‘that nice blond lady’ involved a contract murder case. If the money was not to be paid back, was the required gift tax paid? Since the donor had business before the County Government, is there not a hint of quid pro quo?

    The most ludicrous accusation by some Freebery supporters is that the trial was ‘politically inspired’. Yet the lady and her friend were fighting with fellow Democrats for their place at the public trough.

    Democrats are the clever party in the State and use patronage to build a farm team. On the other hand, we have a Representative who is part of the ‘royal family’ and whose party leader is a business associate.

    Where are the issues and exciting candidates who will invigorate the State GOP and turn it into a viable force for standing up to a status quo of venality?

  8. Disbelief says:

    Arthur, I think a lot of this can be cleared up by letting you know that first cousin marriages are pretty common here.

  9. Kilroy Was Here says:

    Disbelief Says:
    “September 12, 2007 at 4:33 pm
    I’ve tried abrupt withdrawals. She got pregnant anyway.”

    Cutting him some slack my poor grammar is wearing off on others.

    ‘She got pregnant anyway.”
    Should have worn a raincoat

  10. Kilroy Was Here says:

    “Where are the issues and exciting candidates who will invigorate the State GOP and turn it into a viable force for standing up to a status quo of venality?”

    It is I, Kilroy for Governor ! I’ll reduce state government by 20 the frist two years and then another 10 the second two year. DOE, 200 hundred empoyees my ass! 100 hundred is enough.

    I will end all under-funded and unfunded educational mandates unless if for health or safety reasons. DSEA no longer tax exempt !

    Mike Matthews, Secretary of Education
    Jason330, Secretary of Homeland Security
    Hube, pesonal spell-checker for Govenor Kilory
    Dana, Head of Family Court
    Ok head for everybody

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Man, Hube’ll be the hardest working State employee ever.

  12. Kilroy Was Here says:

    “Man, Hube’ll be the hardest working State employee ever.”

    Think of it this way, Minner thinks she has brains and surrounds herself with idiots.
    I am a idiot that would surround myself with brains!

    BTW “Hube’ll” is that proper english? Kiloy’ll nay you fucked up !