I honestly can’t think of better symbolism

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007

You know it’s funny.  Delaware liberal had a 9/11 post yesterday that had over 50 comments. There was debate on both sides.  While some might not have liked the comments spirited opinions were flying left and right.  No one was silenced nor can I imagine will ever be short of threatening a life. 

Our Republican buddies (term used loosely) over at FSP memorialized 9/11 with there own post…that abrubtly shut off the comments the minute they didn’t like what they were hearing.

What better symbolism can you get than that on 9/11?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Disbelief says:

    Well, Dave offered to “mop the floor” with me. Does agressive, inappropriate hostility blend with 9/11?

  2. donviti says:

    only if it comes from the right…

    wait, it did


  3. jason330 says:

    In light of what is going on in Iraq, I found listening to those guys wrap themselves in the horror of 9/11 for transparently political purposes nauseating.

  4. Ryan S. says:

    In light of what is going on in Iraq, I found listening to those guys wrap themselves in the horror of 9/11 for transparently political purposes nauseating.

    Exhibit A:

  5. jason330 says:


    My thinking was that since the Republicans were leveraging 9/11 to promote war – I would show the other side of the coin and try show what it would look like to leverage it for peace.

    My post flipped the chessboard and you can see how much they hated it.