It has been a week of malaise (and it is only Wednesday)

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007

I was going to blog on the Freebery/Gordon stuff but commenter Art Downs does an okay job.
– Jason

Delaware politics seems to be venality blended with apathy and inbreeding.

New Castle County has a County Government that is a halfway house that precedes prison. With the right judges, one can beat the rap.

Powerful people come in all styles. Killer Capano came from the arrogant side and should never have beaten the needle. Perhaps the man should be placed in the General Population with some of the folks he helped convict.

The Freebery caper ended with a whimper and a travesty. Was that $2.3 million a loan, a gift, or a bribe? The source of the money was from member of the first family of the state and her intial contact with ‘that nice blond lady’ involved a contract murder case. If the money was not to be paid back, was the required gift tax paid? Since the donor had business before the County Government, is there not a hint of quid pro quo?

The most ludicrous accusation by some Freebery supporters is that the trial was ‘politically inspired’. Yet the lady and her friend were fighting with fellow Democrats for their place at the public trough.

Democrats are the clever party in the State and use patronage to build a farm team. On the other hand, we have a Representative who is part of the ‘royal family’ and whose party leader is a business associate.

Where are the issues and exciting candidates who will invigorate the State GOP and turn it into a viable force for standing up to a status quo of venality?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (3)

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  1. Jason,

    We have put together a good agenda and while the entire thing, might be too much for one look we have a few topics. We have completed two polls which have validated the GOP primary voter’s interest in issues. I can post the entire thing if you have the courage to do so.

    Universal, private health care with choice and competition alone is enough to win this election. We have a plan, no one else does.

    I would offer a comment on FSP but of course I have been banned from making any comments.

    Have a great day.

  2. r smitty says:

    If you have been banned, then why have your comments shown up a couple of times over the past couple of weeks on FSP?

  3. A couple of times when many more have been posted. Not a problem, the ban shows many things.