Conspiracy Theory

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 14, 2007

So, here is a question:  The Republicans can’t attach themselves to this war and expect to win in 2008, is this stance by Bush the opening they need to “break away” from the President and look like “mavericks”?

I just can’t believe that he is going to get away with saying he is bringing the troops home the summer of 2008, when they had to come home anyways.  Doesn’t this leave the opening for the GOP to swoop in and force early drawdowns and look like heroes?

I don’t like it.

Or since the troops have to come home by the Summer that leaves us about 6 months to bomb Iran which puts the GOP in a strong position.

 @#@#$@#%@#$%^@#%^##%^#@@#%^@#!^t!~~~~!~!!!!! I don’t like it!

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  1. Disbelief says:

    The House and Senate votes for the war were done on flimsy evidence. All those who voted for the war did so in order to get reelected. At the time of 9/11, the winds were blowing that way, and self-serving rose to new heights.

    Simply vote out all those who voted for the war; both R & D.

  2. anon says:

    Here’s a conspiracy theory – Why is Bush hell-bent on having the bulk of our armed forces out of the country during the next Presidential election? think about it.

  3. donviti says:

    good one anon. It goes along the same theory which is play to the strengths of the GOP

  4. Jason,

    There is no conspiracy theory here. The simple facts are this: the Democrats ran in 2006 to “end the war” and by 2008 they will have failed to do so. That fact will create more hell for the Democrats than Mr. Bush’s policy of staying in Iraq.

    Yes, the GOP nominee will have to eat some crow on Pres. Bush’s policy but the Democrats face the unsavory task of “defunding” the troops in an election year when the President is drawing down forces, even if the draw down is meaningless.

  5. donviti says:

    ok, so I can understand that, but tell me this

    why would defunding the troops be so bad? I really must be missing the “fallout” that the Dems are so frightened of

  6. Dorian Gray says:

    Mr. Protack,
    Although the Democrats will feel pressure for not holding W’s feel closer to the fire, stating that they’ll be in a worse position than the GOP over the next 13 months is, with all due respect, preposterous.

    The fact that the Dems couldn’t untangle the gargantuan Cheney/Rummy knot (that Bush continues to pull tighter and tighter) hardly tips the scales the other way.

    Plus Rudy, Fred, McCain, and that kooky Mormon continue the support the blunder like the whole thing makes perfect sense. That’ll really go over big in the springtime when the US deaths hit 4,000.

    I think you’re completely off base here.

  7. anon says:

    why would defunding the troops be so bad?

    Who wants to defund the troops? We just want to defund the occupation. Each soldier will continue to receive his paycheck on time no matter what.

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    It’s funny. Everyone makes it sound like when Congress cuts off funds we’ll have to send the Marines out in the streets of Anbar in boxer shorts carrying a sling-shot. No money means they just have to come home.

    It just another in a long long series of bullshit arguments.